13. yüzyıl sonu ile 14. yüzyıl başlarında yaşadığı bilinen ve Türk kültür tarihinin en önemli şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Yunus Emre'nin hayatı hakkındaki bilgiler menkıbevi olup kesin değildir. Tasavvufun Anadolu'daki en güçlü temsilcisi, en etkin öncüsü olan Yunus Emre aynı zamanda Türk dilinin gelişmesi, varlığını koruması, bir kültür ve edebiyat dili olmasına da katkıda bulunan büyük bir şairdir. Anadolu Türkçesi, halkın dilini kullanmayı bilhassa tercih eden Yunus'un şiirlerinde güçlü bir ruh kazanmış ve edebî bir dil olma yoluna girmiştir. Yunus Emre tasavvufun Anadolu topraklarında asırlar boyu varlığını koruyacak kalıcı izler bırakarak yayılmasına, Anadolu Türkçesinin de bağımsız bir yazı dili olarak oluşumuna Dîvân ve Risâletü'n-Nushiyye adlı iki büyük eseriyle yön vermiştir. Yunus Emre'nin bu iki eseri, edebî birer başyapıt olmakla birlikte, döneminin söz varlığını ve Türk dilinin o devredeki yapısını ortaya koyması yönüyle dil tarihi bakımından da büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada mesnevi nazım biçimi ve aruz ölçüsüyle yazılmış yaklaşık 600 beyitten oluşan didaktik bir nasihatname olan Risâletü'nNushiyye'deki birleşik fiiller tespit edilip sınıflandırılarak hem Yunus Emre'nin Türk diline katkısını bu yolla ortaya koymak hem de Türk gramerinde birleşik fiil konusunun tasnifi hususundaki metodoloji karmaşasına dikkat çekmek amaçlanmaktadır


Yunus Emre who had lived between at the end of 13th century and at the beginning of the 14th century, is one of the most significant person of Turkish culture and history, and the information about his life is legendary not certain. Yunus Emre, who was the most powerful representative of mysticism in Anatolia and efficient Pioneer, also, was a great poet who had contributed to Turkish language to improve its existence, become a culture and literature language. Anatolian Turkish gained a powerful soul and became literary language in Yunus Emre’s poems in which he, especially, prefered public language. There is no doubt that Yunus Emre was one of who made a great contribution to Western Turkish, which is a section of Oghuz language, to improve as a written language, protect its existence, become a culture and a literary language. With his great works which direct Anatolian Turkish to become as an independent written language, Yunus’ aforementioned works not only enlighten the language of the era when they were written, but also are resources to Turkish history with their phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semactic features. Yunus Emre’s work which has named Risaletu’n-Nushiyye is subject to our research. When it is seen that its syntactic pattern was made with compound verbs, movements in the sentences were expressed with compound verbs and, mostly, they were chosen as verbs. Compound verbs take an important place in Turkish’s prosperous vocabulary. Passing the historical stages, spreading different geographies, growing with the people whom spoke, became the consequences of in need of new words because of the fact that the avaiable ones have not been enough. Languages have lots of different methods to recompense the need of new words. Turkish which has been spoken in a wide geography and has a lot of people to speak with it, its vocabulary has different resources. The major ways of making new words in Turkish language are to make new words with the present base, reviving archaic words, taking words from foreign languages and making compound word. When we consider Turkish’s general process, it is seen that the method of making compound words is the most frequent way to refer. In language, while making compound words to fulfil objects and concepts, however, making compound verbs are chosen to describe the movements. Compound verbs, which become with uniting two or more words, take place of one movement and take part as an item in syntax. In Turkish, besides the methods like derivation, revival and quotation, making a verb with compounding is significant with regard to diversity and enrich vocabulary. When the main resources of grammar were studied in the field of Turkish language, it was seen that there is a complexity of classification existing. There has not been any agreement about the classification of compound verbs and a common terminology yet. This situation brings with an inevitable methodology complexity in researches which are about compound verbs. The elements which are formed and accepted only as grammatical structures in most of the classifications, ignoring their situations about semantical context cause missing dissections. In lots of the studies, with the union of a noun element and an auxiliary verb. Compound verbs which were made and contraction compond verbs were given in one title. They were not utilized as a different group. As grammatically, even both of the groups are the same, in semantic context, they are supposed to utilize as two different groups. Compound verbs which were made by auxiliary verbs, protected their real meaning back a new conception. However, in contraction compound verbs, at least one of the words which makes the compound verbs to lose their real meaning. In addition to this, in compound verbs which were made by auxiliary verbs, the element of noun is the matter of uniting with the main auxiliary verbs like be, do, make, in contraction compound verbs, with the reason of all verbs can be auxiliary verb which unites with a noun element, both of the structures are evaluated as different groups. Therefore, in this research which analyzes the compound verb pattern of Risaletu’n-Nushiyye approaches three titles; compound verbs which were made by auxiliary verbs, grammatical compound verbs and contraction compound verbs. It is seen that when compound verb structures are analyzed in Risaletu’n-Nushiyye, compound verbs with auxiliaries are used mostly. In total, there are 84 compound verbs in which auxiliaries like be, do, make correspond movement statements both Turkish words and quotation words. This 83 words, 11 of them were by Turkish words, 73 of them were made by quotation words. It is inferred from this that Yunus Emre prefered compound verbs as the way of foreign words to language. In the study, it is seen that in Yunus Emre’s Risaletu’n-Nushiyye, he did not prefer much using grammatical compound verbs against movement statements. From description verbs such as efficiency, quickness, approach, continuity and half description verbs, only efficiency and continuity were used in the work and the number of them did not go beyond ten. In Risaletu’n-Nushiyye, the main point which makes the work to attract attention is, contraction comprising compound verbs. The factor of noun or verb which is in their structures, from place to place it enlightens the language of that era and consist of archoic words which are resources to Turkish language history. Thus, in total, 51 of that kind of compound verbs are in the work and they are significant. In a literary sense, Risaletu’n-Nushiyye has a great value for being the first example of Turkish copyright of Turkish mesnevi literature of advicing kind. It is one of Turkish language’s main historical resources for being Yunus Emre’s conscious Turkish language coming into existence. In this research which is made in grammatical structure of compound verbs, it is seen that 145 compound verbs are confirmed in Risaletu’n-Nushiyye. 84 of these compounding structures are compound verbs with auxiliary, 10 of them grammatical verbs and 51 of them contraction compound verbs. In this research, Risaletu’n-Nushiyye which was written almost 600 couplets with prosody and mesnevi poetry style, is a didactic advising work. It is determined that by classification of confirming compound verbs, not only exhibits YunusEmre’s contribution to Turkish language but also, draws methodology complexity about classification of compound verbs in Turkish grammar


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