Edebiyatın en yaygın türlerinden olan roman ve şiirlerde, coğrafi mekanlara geniş yer verilmektedir. Yazarın ve şairin coğrafi mekanları, eserlere büyük zenginlik katmaktadır. Coğrafi mekanlar, edebiyat türlerinin vazgeçilmez öğelerindendir. Hele modern romanda artık mekânın eskisi gibi olmadığı açıktır. Mekân konu için gerekliyse kullanılmaktadır. kullanılmamaktadır. İş olsun diye veya süsleme maksadıyla kentsel dokunun gelişimini, olumlu yansımalarını görmektedir. Ele aldığımız romanlar, tarihsel, sosyal ve zamansal, boyutlar ile mekanları canlı bir şekilde ortaya koyarak, kentsel yaşamın güzelliğinin vazgeçilmezliğini ifade etmişlerdir. Coğrafi mekan olarak, Avrasya'yı konu edinen romanlar, geçtiği mekanların tarihini, sosyal yaşamını ve kültürlerini ortaya koymuşlardır. Romancı, romanda mekân unsurunu olayların cereyan ettiği çevreyi tanıtmak, roman kahramanlarını çizmek, toplumu yansıtmak, atmosfer yaratmak gibi çeşitli yönlerden kullanabilir. Bunu yaparken de bunlardan birini veya birkaçını da devreye sokabilir


Geographical Locations Reflections on Literature of one of the most common types of literature in novels and poetry, is given broad geographical places Author and poet's geographical places, lend works great wealth. Geographical places, one of the essential elements of literary genres. Especially now in the novel, it is clear that as the old space. Space is used for the subject, if necessary. Whether he or decorations are not used for the purpose of business. The novelist lived in a world where the air is opposite inhalation. Information about that world history books, Travel, description, literary works and antique goods is limited. Novelist space and the elements of this space are very important to work even at the point of artisans might also not be neglected in case this information is passing in front. That's why space in the novel, from the first case are separated by other novels. Novelist artisans compared to others in terms of power is forced to be more creative. Because the hero of the novel as a common place in the venues in which they live can not conceive on their speed in making serious examination is difficult to interpret. Them in the past, the terms should endeavor to call. Thus, at least to feel the characteristic aspects of the transfer should work. Poetry is also true in case of the month. Yesterday and perspectives used today in the fields of geography and venue are subject to change. However, venues, poets is the indispensable material. Individual, taking place in accordance with the format, the reader will come across. Novelist, novel space, elements, environment, present the occurrence of events, telling the hero of the novel takes the structure of society in different ways. Eurasia focusing on the six novels, with the enactment of the Turks built a wide range of developmental stages are described in the culture of urbanization. Derived from the land, turning them into flourishing civilizations developed. Examined under two themes in the novel: the first theme, the spaces of struggle, raising the level of human life we see time. The second theme of urban life, social or political reasons, the Turks observe that soil loss. Emergence of the land by hand, brings about the collapse of the material and spiritual sense. Reader interest generated on the development of the urban fabric, positive reflections see it. Examined novels, historical, social, and temporal, dimensions and places to live, by the beauty of urban life indispensability expressed. Novelist, novel space, elements, environment, present the occurrence of events, telling the hero of the novel takes the structure of society in different ways. Eurasia focusing on the six novels, with the enactment of the Turks built a wide range of developmental stages are described in the culture of urbanization. Derived from the land, turning them into flourishing civilizations developed. Examined under two themes in the novel: the first theme, the spaces of struggle, raising the level of human life we see time. The second theme of urban life, social or political reasons, the Turks observe that soil loss. Emergence of the land by hand, brings about the collapse of the material and spiritual sense. Reader interest generated on the development of the urban fabric, positive reflections see it. Examined novels, historical, social, and temporal, dimensions and places to live, by the beauty of urban life indispensability expressed. Geographical location as the subject of Eurasia in the novel, The history of the place of occurrence, social life and their culture have demonstrated. The novelist, the novel introduce the element of space in the incidents took place in the environment, to draw the heroes of the novel, reflect the society, and can use in various ways such as the atmosphere. While you're at it may retain one or more of these. As is well known, the Turks, nomadic settled as a thousand years ago, and they gave a huge fight with the aim to expand the boundaries of the land.Putting their lives their struggles to have achieved success as a result of settled life. Resident of civilization which has become a need in life with the aim to gain access to the item in terms of novels that explored the creation of new residential areas as a development are discussed.Along with the transition from nomadic life to settled life , urban development work has emerged. For example, the land in the novel, Sultan Alparslan his mansions and manor houses, the phenomenon of urbanization has attracted the attention of the public and the people have been flocking to the places where the Sultan lived to see the structures. The comfort and spaciousness of settled life in the face of the rulers or sultans, with the goal of getting to new places have moved. The hero of that novel target policy limits the monarchs to reach the sea, underground and surface sources. Of wealth give rise to new structures with a given power. Among these structures, mosques, madrasas, bridges, Inns, baths, caravanserais, fountains, tombs, the palaces of the king and by the phenomenon of urbanization developed. The most prominent feature of the historical novel, or even partially in the era of venues in the past still tries to make sense perpetuating existence. We examined the novel places at the same time, the United States witnessed the establishment of civilization.From the place of establishment of the Seljuks in the steam, Aral, Horasan we see around. This place also emerges as a place of strategic importance. It is also known as one of the most important States of the Turks, the Ottoman state. Venues are the foundation of the Ottoman Empire; and from Istanbul and Bursa, Bilecik, Söğüt, Domanic with success in becoming a geographical area that extends to the state of the world that we observe. We have prepared two new thinking in the article and we can say we put it in the middle of acquisition: the first topic: Turkish States within the boundaries of their geography education, science, economy, health and urban structures, which is the indicator of humanity to the present day have left.We explored places that other countries novels nowadays under the rule,although it is also the symbol of Turkish culture and the Turkish presence in these venues for the introduction of civilization, our civilization is important. The urban structures caused by our ancestors, starting with the past and the future to integrate new developments that will provide for the need to put out. And the result of the yen detection second of our articles are as follows: a thousand years earlier the spaces above and continuous from underground sources has gained value as attractions. We see that has changed the perception of today's geographical location and set. When we compare yesterday and today, yesterday; places with rich resources, more changed hands, and retained its natural structure. We spoke to today to obtain the biggest countries that have entered into a fierce struggle of the places that we see. Together with the advancement of technique and technology, urban life and urban phenomenon, the concept of space were transformed into the annuity.


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