Bu çalışmada Dede Korkut Kitabı'ndaki inanç kavramları ve bu inanç kavramlarına yüklenen anlamlar ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Milletlerin temel kültür dinamiklerinden olan inanç kavramlarının incelenmesi Türkçe eğitimi açısından da önemli bir konudur; çünkü dil öğretimi aynı zamanda bir kültür öğretimidir. Bu inanç kavramlarını ortaya koymanın en iyi yollarından biri de kültür yapısını yansıtan eserlere bakmaktır. Bunun için en uygun eserlerden biri olan Türk Edebiyatı'nın kadim eselerlerinden Dede Korkut Kitabı'dır. Dede Korkut Kitabı, bir önsöz ve on iki hikâyeden oluşan, Oğuzların dönem içindeki mücadelelerini anlatan ve dönemin kültür yapısını başarılı şekilde yansıtan bir eserdir. Bu çalışma betimsel olup doküman incelenmesiyle yapılmıştır. Dini Terimler Sözlüğü ve iki ilahiyat alan uzmanının görüşü doğrultusunda hazırlanan inanç kavramları listesinden hareketle Hasan Erbay editörlüğünde hazırlanan Dede Korkut Kitabı'nda bulunan hikâyeler incelenmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda 37 farklı inanç değerinin 373 defa kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Kitaptaki inanç kavramları çoğunlukla anlamlarını bugüne kadar korumakla birlikte bazıları anlam değişimine uğramış, üç tanesi ise neredeyse hiç kullanılmamaktadır. Ayrıca kitaptaki inanç kavramlarının çokluğu, Türklerin henüz 10. yüzyılda İslamiyet'i kabul etmelerine rağmen kitabın teşekkül ettiği 12, 13 ve 14. yüzyılda İslâm'ı benimsediğini göstermektedir. Bu özümseme ise bu eserde görüldüğü gibi edebî metinlere yansımasının yanı sıra diğer kültür öğelerine, geleneklere, eğitim anlayışına yani her türlü kültürel ve toplumsal dinamiğe etki etmiştir


It was tried to reveal belief notions and meaning of these notions which are in the book of Dede Korkut in this work. Studying belief notions which are basis culture Dynamics of the nations is an important subject fort he education of Turkish because teaching a language is a teaching culture in the same time. One of the best ways of realing these belief notions is to study works which reflect the culture structure. Therefore, one of Turkish primeval and the most suitable works is the book of Dede Korkut. Dede Korkut is a work which consists of a preface and twelve stories tells the struggles of Oghuz tribe in the term and reflects the culture construction successfully. This study was carried out by examining documents and is is a descriptive study. Stories which are in the book of Dede Korkut whose editor is Hasan Erbay were analyzed in accordance with the list of belief notions which was prepared by the views of two divinity experts and Religious Terminology Dictionary. As a result of the research 37 different beliefs have been seen 373 times. The concepts of belief in the book have retained its meaning until today and some concepts have changed their meaning. Three of them have almost unused. Also the amount of belief concepts in the book, although Turkish people accepted the Islam in the 10th century, this book shows that Turkish people adopts the Islam in the 12, 13, 14th century. This digestion reflects both literary texts and other cultural items like a tradition, educational comprehension so it impacts to all kinds of culture and social dynamism The aim of this research is to exhibit the faith concepts existing in The Stories of Dede Korkut. The study is descriptive and done by document analysis. The muchness of faith concepts in the book shows the fact that The Turks internalized and adopted Islam in the12th, 13th and 14th centuries, the period when the book was formed, although they had just accepted Islam in the 10th century. While most of the faith concepts in the stories maintained their semantics, some of them had changed meaning and some of them were no longer used. When the stories are analyzed, It is understood that Son of Mr. Buren Cam BAMS Beyrek includes the most with fifteen concepts, and the story of Segrek son of Uşun Koca holds the least belief concepts with three. The most commonly used faith concept in the whole book is the concept of infidel. Introduction Conversion is a big deal for a community and generally happens over a certain period of time. This change is reflected in all cultural elements as well as in the world of thought and literature. Therefore, The Story of Dede Korkut will be a good example of this cultural change as it includes such a period for Turks. The faith concepts existing in this book quides the researchers in terms of understanding theTurk culture and education. The study of faith concepts in Dede Korkut is a subject to be researched, studied and emphasized. It has been thought that the concepts which will contribute to Turkish Education can be identified and used by this way. Theoretical Framework The book of Dede Korkut has been studied in terms of characters (eliuz 2000), mythological items (bayat, 2007), grammar (Başdaş, 2008) syntax (Cemiloğlu, 2001), thoughts about women (torun, 1999), educational values (Batur, Soyuçok, 2015), Much as there are historical and educational studies on this field, the faith as a cultural value is a topic to be researched because the faith values are impressive and determinative on education, tradition, law and many other areas. Method This study is descriptive and done by document analysis. “Gathering information thorough analysing written documents which contains information about the facts and events placing in the topic that are searched is called document analysis.”( Karataş,2015:72) The data in this study has been acquired by scanning the Book of Dede Korkut. The Book of Dede Korkut ,which was prepared and edited by Hasan Erbay( TOBB,2014), has been chosen because it handles the period of the formation of The Book of Dede Korkut and includes the original story and assays about the main character of the book and each story. Religious Terms Dictionary, which was prepared by MEB, has been taken criteria on analysing the book of Dede Korkut in terms of religious concepts. The stories have been choosen through religious concepts that are available in this dictionary. Additionally, two theologists have been consulted in order to increase reliability and validity.The chosen stories have been read by experts.too and the lists have been reorganized by taking into account the correspondence of the concepts that are chosen by the researhers and the concepts that are pointed out by the experts. All belief values in the stories were taken into consideration, but the word variations due to translation were not taken into consideration. For example, "Çalab", a belief concept in Begiloğlu Emil's story, is not included in the book used for research while Gökyay's Dede Korkut Stories have it, so it’s not included in the mentioned story. From the faith concepts in this dictionary, the ones found in Dede korkut Book, the pages they place, their frequency, current meaning in TDK online dictionary and their use in the present time are shown in the charts under each stories’ title. Findings and Comments When the stories are analyzed, It is understood that Son of Mr. Buren Cam BAMS Beyrek includes the most with fifteen concepts, and the story of Segrek son of Uşun Koca holds the least belief concepts with three. The most commonly used faith concept in the whole book is the concept of infidel. It seems that in the stories, this word is not only religious, but also used to insult and defame the enemy It’s understood that some of the faith concepts has changed their semantics, some are never used anymore, purpose of some words has changed while most of the concepts in the stories has kept their semantics. The word ‘Alkış ‘ today means clapping to show acclaim while it means blessing in the stories. The word ‘kargış’ meaning imprecation, the word ‘tat eri’meaning muezzin and the word ‘uçmak’ meaning paradise are no longer used. Today, the word Kadir are no longer used as a name for god but as one of the attributes of God. In the stories, different words with the same meaning are used frequently. For example, the word’Allah is used forty-one times, the word ‘Tanrı’ seventy times, the word ‘Hakk’ eleven times and the word ‘Kadir’ three times but they all have the same meaning. This gives you an idea of the richness of the concepts of faith as well as the strength and richness of the language at work. ((Güner, 2006; Sultanzade, 2012; Torun, 2011). Furthermore, the persisting of the word’Tanrı,, remaining from the Turks’ tengrism, in literaly works despite a change in belief shows the fact that Turks have consubstantiated the word ‘Tanrı’ from tengrism and the word ‘Allah’ from Islam. (Bilgin, 2005; Eröz, 1992; Güzel, 2008; Kapağan, 2014; Ocak, 2007). Results and Suggestions The muchness of faith concepts in the book shows the fact that The Turks internalized and adopted Islam in the12th, 13th and 14th centuries, the period when the book was formed, although they had just accepted Islam in the 10th century. This internalization has effected many kind of cultural and social dynamics such as education, customs and other cultural elements, as well as reflecting on literary works. Now that Dede Korkut Book is an important work in terms of teaching Turkish, the faith concepts in it has great importance. Teaching language is a kind of teaching culture because the culture and the language feed eachother. The langugae indicates the cultural level of a nation.( Humbold’tanakt. Akarsu, 1984) and the archaic works of Turkishness like Dede Korkut Book can not be ignored while teaching Turkish.


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