Tarihte Türkler Göktürk alfabesi olarak bilinen kendilerine ait bir alfabe sistemi kullanmışlardır. Yerleşik hayata geçmeleriyle diğer topluluklarla ticaret yolu ve savaşlar yoluyla ilişki içinde olmaları sonucu kullandıkları alfabe birçok kez değişikliğe uğramıştır. Son olarak başlamışlardır. Daha sonra Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçenin karışımıyla kendi dil ve ifadelerinin karşılığı olan Osmanlıcayı geliştirmişlerdi. Bu dilin alfabesi Arap alfabesiydi. Ve uzun müddet Osmanlı Devleti tarafından kullanılmıştır. Son dönem de bazı kesimler tarafından alfabe sisteminde değişiklik ihtiyacı sürekli vurgulanıyordu. Bu konudaki görüşler aydınlar arasında tartışma konusu olduğu gibi asıl amaç alfabe sistemini kökten değil de noktalama işaretleri ve ayrı yazılması konusu işleniyordu. Bu düşünceler Osmanlı aydınlarının konu üzerinde fikirlerini yazılı olarak ortaya koymaları Osmanlı Devletini de harekete geçirmiş ve bu doğrultuda devlet resmi bir kuruluş olan Dil Encümeni Kurulunu oluşturarak konunun devlet düzeyinde ele alınmasını sağlamıştı. Kurulun içerisinde farklı görüş ve ifadeler yer alıyordu. Kurula bu hususta birçok rapor sunulmuştu uzun inceleme ve araştırmalardan sonra bir neticeye varılamamıştı. Devlet-aydın arasında geçen alfabe tartışmaları ne yazık ki halk düzeyine inmemişti. Çünkü halkın büyük bir kısmı okuma-yazma bilmiyordu. Bu sıralarda da Osmanlı Devleti kendini I. Dünya savaşının ortasında buldu. Savaş süreciyle beraber konu gündem dışı kalmıştı. Osmanlı Devleti'nin savaştan mağlup çıkmasıyla alfabe tartışmaları tamamen kapanmış görünüyordu. Fakat Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın önderliğinde Osmanlı Devleti'nin küllerinden Yeni Türkiye Cumhuriyeti inşaa ediliyordu. Cumhuriyet'in ilanından önce Mustafa Kemal Paşa asıl kurtuluşun eğitimde olduğuna inanıyordu. Ve Cumhuriyet döneminde eğitimin temellerinin çok sağlam olması düşüncelerini savunan bir liderdi. Bu doğrultuda eğitimde ilk iş olarak yapılması gerekenin eski alfabe sisteminin kökten değişmesi gerektiğini vurguluyordu. Zaman ve şartların uygun olmayışı ayrıca milletin buna hazır olmaması da bir etkendi. Çünkü Osmanlı devleti uzun yıllar bu alfabeyi kullandığı gibi harflerin kutsallığı da önemli yer tutuyordu. Alfabe konusu ne kadar tartışılmışsa da yüzeysel kaldığı gibi Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisinde de gündeme gelmemişti. Cumhuriyet döneminde TBMM'de görüşülmek istenmişse de şiddetli karşı çıkışlarla karşılaşıldı. Daha sonraki süreçte konunun tekrar gündeme gelmesi ve bu sefer gerekli çalışmaların yapılmasıyla bir daha TBMM'ye sunulmuştu. Sonunda 1928 yılında Yeni Türk Harfleri Kanunu TBMM'de kabul edilmiş ve resmen uygulamaya konulmuştu. Şimdi yeni alfabe sisteminin millete tanıtılması ve tatbik edilmesi sorunu gündeme gelmişti. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hükümetin hazırlamış olduğu "Millet Mektepleri" teşkilatı kurumu oluşturulmuş ve talimatnamesi de onaylanarak 1929 da resmen kurulmuştur. Burada asıl hedef milleti okur-yazar duruma getirmek, çağa uygun insan modeli yetiştirmekti. Kısa sürede her ilde ve ilçede bir millet mektebi kurulmuş faaliyetlerine başlamıştı. Bunun içinde devlet kurum ve kuruluşları da mevcuttu. Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın bir yurt gezisine çıkmasıyla beraber devlet ile halkın arasındaki kopukluğu gözlemlemesi yapılan faaliyet ve çalışmaların yetersizliğini açık bir şekilde gözlemlemişti. Bu sorunu ortadan kaldırmak için C.H.P hükümeti çalışmalara başlamıştı. Kısa sürede bir kurul meydana getirilmiş; burada alınan kararla 1932 de "Halkevleri" adıyla bir teşkilat oluşturulmuştu. Yaygın eğitim kurumu olarak nitelendirilen bu teşkilatın amacı yetişkin insanlara okuma-yazma öğretmek buna ek olarak yurt bilgisi, tarih, dil gibi önemli dersler vermekti. Gönüllü bir kuruluş mahiyetinde olan, partili partisiz bütün vatandaşların yararlanabildiği kurumlardı. Ulusu bilinçli, birbirini anlayan, birbirini seven ve bir ideale bağlı olan birey modeli ortaya çıkarmaktı. Böylece millet inkılâpları algılayıp benimseyecek; sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve sanat alanında gelişme sağlanacaktı. Kısacası Yeni Türkiye Cumhuriyeti modeli olan çağdaş bilgili, kendini geliştiren bireyler yetiştirmekti. Halkevlerinin çalışma anlayışı merkezinde halktan gelen günlük hayatın işlevlerinden yorulan insanlara gönüllü hizmet götüren kuruluşlardı. Halkevlerinin verimli olabilmesi için bazı ilkeler belirlenmiştir


In the past, the Turks used an alphabet system of their own known as the Göktürk alphabet. The alphabet they use has changed many times as a result of their relationship with other communities through trade and battles after adopting a sedentary life. They finally started to use the Arabic alphabet after the adoption of Islam,. Later, they developed Ottoman Turkish which corresponds to their own language and expression with mixture of Arabic, Persian and Turkish. The alphabet of this language was Arabic alphabet. And it was used by the Ottoman Empire for a long time. The need for change in the alphabet system was incessntly being stressed by certain groups. The opinions expressed in this topic was a matter of debate among intellectuals. Punctuation and writing separately was the main subject rather than radically chancing the alphabet system. These considerations led to the Ottoman intellectuals to write their ideas on this subject. It also activated the Ottoman Empire, as a consequence, Council of Language Commission was established. Different opinions and statements would take place in the Council. Several reports on this issue were submitted to the council, nevertheless, after long investigation and research, they could not reach a plausible conclusion. The alphabet debate between the state and intellectuals had unfortunately not come down to the community level. Because most of the population was illiterate. The Ottoman Empire, at that time, he found himself in the middle of World War I. Thus, the subject was out of the agenda. Alphabet discussions seemed to be completely closed with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the war. However, under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, a new state-Republic of Turkey- was being rebuilt from the Ottoman Empire's. Before the proclamation of the Republic, Mustafa Kemal Pasha was convinced that the real salvation was in education. Moreover, he believed that foundations of education were to be very robust. The first thing to be done in education was to change radically the old alphabet system. The lack of proper time and conditions, and also nation’s not being ready were some factors. Although the alphabet was discussed, neither it remained superficial nor the Ottoman Chamber of Deputies did not take it into consideration. It was desired to negotiate in TBMM but saw many objections. Şimdi yeni alfabe sisteminin millete tanıtılması ve tatbik edilmesi sorunu gündeme gelmişti. Finally in 1928, the new Turkish alphabet was adopted by the Parliament Act and was officially put into practice. Now, the issue of introducing the new alphabet system and its implementation was on the agenda. This objective, which was prepared in line with the government's "Public Schools" organization of organizations formed and was officially established in the regulations approved in 1929. Here we bring to the original target literate nation state and the development of appropriate human model age. In a short time in every province and district public schools had begun to set up activities. State institutions and organizations were also present in it. Mustafa Kemal Pasha, a dormitory with the emergence of the state of the disconnect between the people who made the trip to observe operations and had observed the lack of work clearly. To eliminate this problem, the government began to CHP operation. Soon formed a board; where the decision of 1932 "People's Houses" was created with the name of an organization. Non-formal education institutions, described as the aim of this organization to teach adults to read and write people in addition civics, history, give important lessons such as language. 634 Mehmet KÖÇER – Volkan AYDEMİR Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 Volunteer with an organization in nature, party-party organizations were able to take advantage of all citizens. Nation conscious, understand each other, loving each other and reveal an ideal model depends on the individual. Thus, to adopt reforms detect nation; social, economic, cultural and artistic development in the area would be In short, a new model of the modern Republic of Turkey was knowledgeable, self-developing educate individuals. Community Centres were tired of working understanding of central entity that voluntary service to the people of the functions of the daily life of the people. Some principles have been determined to be efficient in the People's Houses. Accordingly, people love him, believing him to enter almost was integrated into the community. These institutions would meet the needs of the CHP economically and endowments. Looking at the structure and content community centers us in the Ottoman Empire continued during the period of the Republic of Turkey in January and was perceived as a different model. First Community Centers began to be established in 14 provinces of Anatolia. Halkevleri folk-lore was the location for science. These provinces were developed province in terms of population density than the economic and social. Undertaking the driving force in the province have completed their organization in a short time and had begun to be established. In one of the 14 provinces, where Mustafa Kemal Pasha was the national struggle began in Samsun. February 19, 1932 Community Center was established in Samsun. The local press was announcing the opening period from the first page. Courses for illiterate as he started to work following the establishment of Samsun Community Center opens in classrooms when opening civilized information. Conferences were held in here and play. He even made important events in the days and weeks. In the province in a short time, other parts of Anatolia began to open quickly Halkevleri. All of these activities were promising. After a while, a small town on the province of Samsun Alaçam formed a committee of prominent people who want to position the district had done the work necessary to go to Ankara for talks. Eventually necessary contacts took place, decisions had already been brought to Alaçam position. The other hand, closely followed developments in Samsun Alaçam had started to work for the establishment of a Community Center. Done in accordance with the Community Center organization to organization guidelines and it had to be seen by the appropriate province. This completes the preparation process Spruce Community Centre was established by the district community center officially concluded that carry the necessary conditions. Reading and writing in the first place began to campaign Spruce House of the People is a significant number of applications made. CHP İktidarının Son Döneminde Samsun Alaçam Halkevinde Okuma-Yazma… 635 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 In this case that meant to us, in an important part of Anatolia, was that still illiterate individuals. Here was holding an important place where the community centers. However, since 1938 it was seen a slowdown in the activities of the community centers. The reason was split internally and externally. The absence of a center of endogenous causes community centers, activities and be everywhere at different levels of work, lack of managers, financial difficulties, such as political reasons can be listed as well be delayed. The largest of the external cause was getting into the second world war and the economic crisis of. All of them are community centers that bring together we looked very hard. The loss of power in the CHP in 1950 was further accelerate this condition. Finally, in August 1951 was completely sealed. The closure of the People's Houses had taken many things with it. Today in Turkey until the close of the period starting from January 1951 Halkevleri there have been many gains for the Turkish nation. Çanakkale ensure the compensation of the population lost in the war and bring individuals become able to adapt to the era of the nation lagging behind in education age could only take place through such organizations. I heard this kind of natural need for some organization to provide it at certain times. All people who want to benefit from the light of civilization should focus primarily on education and culture. Turkey in January which is the cornerstone of three of the Turkish nation on this subject, National School and Community holds an important place. Community Centers are not just the classroom or course that have been shown institutions. The internal and external dynamics of hosting a large public school has served the people. In addition, individuals who bring the past and future, has been referred to the common places where thoughts and feelings.


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