Günümüzde nöro pazarlama araştırmaları ile bilinçaltı mesaj kullanımı karıştırılmakta hatta bilinmemektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, ambalaj tasarımı, bilinçaltı mesaj, nöropazarlama konularına değinilmiş, ambalaj tasarımında bilinçaltı mesaj öğelerinin ve nöropazarlama yaklaşımının kullanımları karşılaştırılmıştır. Ambalaj, ürüne üretimden tüketiciye ulaşana kadar eşlik eden bir grafik çıktısıdır. Diğer grafik tasarım ürünlerine göre hem yapısı hem de hedefleri anlamında farklılıklar gösterir. Yoğun rekabetin olduğu ortamda ambalajlar devreye girer ve müşterisini etkileyerek ürünün satın alınma aşamasına yardımcı olur. Ambalajların, bu rekabet ortamında, tüketicide duygusal bir etki yaratması hedeflenmektedir. Bunu başarmak isteyen bazı tasarımcı ve pazarlamacılar çok eskilerden beri kullanılan bilinçaltına hükmeden mesajları kullanmaktadır. Bilinçli düzeyde algılayamadığımız birçok mesajı bilinçaltımız algılamaktadır. Bu nedenle pazarlamacıların hedefi haline gelmektedir. Çok dikkatli izleyicilerin bile çoğu zaman fark edemedikleri görseller kullanarak tüketicileri etkisi altına alarak ürünü satın almasına katkıda bulunur. Birçok ülke tarafından yasak ve etik olmayan bu yöntemin sıklıkla kullanıldığını gözlemlemek mümkündür. Bir de geçmişi çok eskiye dayanmayan nöro pazarlama yöntemi, tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarının ve tercihlerinin altında yatan gerçek nedenleri anlamaya yardımcı olmaktadır. En basit şekliyle ambalaj tasarımı vb. ürünlerin üzerinde yer alan pazarlama uyaranlarına insan beyninin nasıl tepkiler verdiğini uygulamalarının artması ile bu iki kavram sıkça birbirine karıştırılmaktadır. Ambalajlara bilinçaltı mesaj öğeleri yerleştirilirken normal algı düzeyinin altında gizli olarak yerleştirilip tüketici satın almaya yönlendirilirken, nöro pazarlama yaklaşımında satışa ürün çıkmadan önce tüketici hangi reyona bakar, hangi görsele nasıl tepki verir gibi değişkenler tespit edilerek ona göre tasarımın oluşturulması hedeflenmektedir. Yani nöro pazarlamanın amaçları arasında gizli


Nowadays, neuromarketing studies and the use of subliminal messages are confused, or even are not known. Therefore, in this study, the topics of packaging design, subliminal messages and neuromarketing are explained, and the use of the components of subliminal messages and neuro marketing in packaging design are compared. Package is a graphic element which accompany to the product from the prodcution phase to the consumer phase. Compared to other graphic design materials, ıt differs both in structre and its targets. In the strong competition environment, packages step in and help at selling the product to the consumer via affecting him. It is aimed to create an emotional effect on the consumer in this competition environment. Some designers and marketing experts who want to achieve this, use the subliminal messages which have been used since old times. Most of the messages that we can not understand in the conscious level can be understood at the subliminal level. That is why it becomes the target of the marketers. It conributes to the selling of the product by influencing the consumers via using the subliminal visual elements which even the most careful ones can not understand. It is possible to encounter this method widely even it si forbideen and not ethical at most countries. The neuro-marketing which is considered to be new method, helps to understand the real reasons under the consumers`choices of buying and the way they affect. In its basic definition it is the examination studies which investigate the way of the human brain reaction to the package designs and etc. İt is because the increasement in the number of the neuro-marketing applications, these two terms can be mixed. While subliminal marketing implants the messages to the consumers` conception secretly, under the normal conception level and directs the consumer to buy the product, neuromarketing method examines the consumers`reaction before the product take its place on the departments, markets and tries to define the elements which the consumer will react, after that the package design is tried to be formed. It means neuro-marketing have no aims such as directing the consumer to buy the product via affecting him using subliminal message elements. Package is a graphic element which accompany to the product from the prodcution phase to the consumer phase. Compared to other graphic design materials, ıt differs both in structre and its targets. In the strong competition environment, packages step in and help at Ambalaj Tasarımında Bilinçaltı Mesaj Öğelerinin ve Nöropazarlama… 127 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 selling the product to the consumer via affecting him. It is aimed to create an emotional effect on the consumer in this competition environment. Some designers and marketing experts who want to achieve this, use the subliminal messages which have been used since old times. Most of the messages that we can not understand in the conscious level can be understood at the subliminal level. That is why it becomes the target of the marketers. It conributes to the selling of the product by influencing the consumers via using the subliminal visual elements which even the most careful ones can not understand. It is possible to encounter this method widely even it si forbideen and not ethical at most countries. The neuro-marketing which is considered to be new method, helps to understand the real reasons under the consumers`choices of buying and the way they affect. In its basic definition it is the examination studies which investigate the way of the human brain reaction to the package designs and etc. İt is because the increasement in the number of the neuro-marketing applications, these two terms can be mixed. While subliminal marketing implants the messages to the consumers` conception secretly, under the normal conception level and directs the consumer to buy the product, neuromarketing method examines the consumers`reaction before the product take its place on the departments, markets and tries to define the elements which the consumer will react, after that the package design is tried to be formed. It means neuro-marketing have no aims such as directing the consumer to buy the product via affecting him using subliminal message elements. Packaging graphics should be designed bearing in mind the market, new trends, target audience, strategies of marketing etc. Otherwise, in the highly competitive market of today, it may not be able to accomplish to market the product to its consumer. With the use of neuro marketing, before a product is put on market, information about the effect of it can be gathered by doing researches about its package on the sample target audience. Therefore, it is possible to make necessary changes on the package in advance. The purpose of using the elements of subliminal advertising in packaging design is to exert influence on the consumer before starting competing with the rivals and to ensure that it makes the buying activity to occur. With the subliminal messages what is aimed at in reality is the acceptance of the situation. Some factors that are stimulated with the help of subliminal messages serve the purpose of making people accept the situation which may be either the purchase phase of a product or propaganda about an issue. For instance, when we see the package of some products, we feel like as if we were looking for that for years. At that point, our subconscious comes into play. It makes us believe that we find the product we are looking for. However, here, we cannot talk about persuasion. Our preference is influenced by the effect of our subconscious. Subliminal messages can exist sometimes in the packages of the products, sometimes in the advertisements of those products, and sometimes in the posters put on billboards. However, all of them serve to the same result. The aim of subliminal message is to make you buy the product in which it exists; either the product is useful for you or not, either it is high quality or not, or either it is expensive or inexpensive. 128 İbrahim Gökhan CEYLAN – Hatice BAHATTİN CEYLAN Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 In the studies in which the traditional research methods are used, people usually tend to portray themselves different from how they really are. The fact that survey participants are sincere and tell the truth is one of the assumptions of most studies. However, in the studies in which neuromarketing applications are used, interpretations are made based upon tracking the eye movements of the consumer and physiological changes in the consumer’s body. Therefore, its accuracy is higher than traditional research methods’. In the neuromarketing studies, in order to manipulate the consumer habits, variables such as attention, emotional commitment and mnemonic techniques are measured. To illustrate, neuromarketing studies can measure what point the consumers pay attention to when they see the package of a product, what kind of emotional changes they go through while looking at the package, and which part of the package they remember later. With the help of these, by using the right visuals that manipulate consumer buying decisions, designing the most effective packaging design is aimed. In the midbrain, there is a part called limbic system and composed of hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala. Limbic system initiates emotions, sleep, attention, functioning of the body, hormones, sexuality, smell, and production of the brain chemicals. Besides, according to neuromarketers, the brain consists of the new brain, the midbrain and the old brain. The new brain is the part that thinks; the midbrain is the part that feels; and the old brain is the part that makes decisions. Under the light of this information, the purpose of the components of subliminal messages used in packages is to influence our limbic system. Furthermore, according to neuromarketing, the packages by which the old brain is not influenced have low chances of initiating the buying activity. In this study, “descriptive research” which has the components of qualitative research methods is used. In addition, situation analysis which is defined as analyzing a fact or event in detail is used. The purpose of the study is to make the necessary contribution to the literature. In the light of the data collected in the study: Today’s marketers have learnt that one of the important factors that lead to consumer buying behavior is the packaging design. Packaging design should not be solely considered as packaging graphics. Besides packaging graphics, industrial fabric of the package, material and the messages embedded in the package by communication specialists have an important role in terms of design. However, nowadays many products have substitute goods, and the competition in the market has become tough. As a result, subliminal messaging applications, whose influence on people has been evaluated for long, have gained a place in packaging graphics as they are used in visual, printed and audial media.These messages lead to the purchase of the products without competition by placing some elements that the humans cannot refuse by their nature. By placing words or sexual images on packages, and using methods that people cannot perceive, advertising campaigns aimed at the subconscious are organized and make people buy even the products which they do not attempt to buy Ambalaj Tasarımında Bilinçaltı Mesaj Öğelerinin ve Nöropazarlama… 129 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 under normal conditions. Additionally, it is known that the method is not considered ethical and forbidden in many countries. If the necessary precautions are not taken, it is obvious that it will damage not only the consumer behaviors but also our cultural structure. Also, neuromarketing applications whose practices do not go long way back as the use of subliminal messages come out today. In this application, which is approached with apprehension by people after subliminal messages become clear to the public, none of the messages is aimed to be hidden. On the contrary, before a product is put on the market, what kind of an effect it will have on the consumers is tried to be predicted by doing the necessary researches about its package. If the product does not bring about the effect the company which markets it expects, changing its design in the beginning is targeted. A lot of techniques are used to reveal that. The purpose of using these techniques is to make the essential arrangements by measuring consumer reaction to the package design using some methods like eye tracking and analysis of brain activity with the aid of EEG. To conclude, neuromarketing approach seeks for the best ways to compete against the substitute goods whereas the purpose of using subliminal messages in packages is to make the product to be bought without getting into competition against any other products. It is even possible to analyze the influence of the packages which have some subliminal messages on the consumers by doing researches using neuro marketing techniques. The subconscious does not question but does the necessary arrangements in order to fulfil the desire of buying. In both techniques, the purpose is to make the consumer buy the product by influencing them emotionally. However, while subliminal messaging uses hidden messages which human nature cannot resist, in neuromarketing approach such kind of secrecy is unnecessary.
