Sapma için genel olarak dilin şiirde farklı kullanımı denilebilir. Doğan Aksan, Sapma (İng. Deviation) adı altında ele alınan konunun, gerek sözcüklerin ses ve biçim özelliklerinde, gerek dilin sözdizimi açısından niteliklerinde bilinçli olarak değişikliklere gitmeyi, dilde bulunmayan yeni sözcük ve anlatım biçimlerini kullanma eğilimini içerdiğini söyler. Aksan'a göre; sanatçı şair, bu eğilim tercihi ile dile yeni bir güç kazandırmayı, göstergeleri ses ve anlam açısından daha etkili kılmayı, okuyan ve dinleyenin zihninde yeni değişik tasarılar ve duygu değerleri oluşturmayı amaçladığını ekler. Buradan yola çıkılarak "Sapma" şiir incelemesinde açılım sağlayan konulardan biridir denilebilir. Bu kullanım yedi farklı şekilde okurun karşısına çıkmaktadır. Bunlar; yazınsal sapmalar, sesbilgisel sapmalar, dilbilgisel sapmalar, anlamsal sapmalar, lehçesel sapmalar, tarihsel dönem sapmaları, kesimsel sapmalar ve sözcüksel sapmalardır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle sapma kavramı bilgi verilecek ve devamında sapma çeşitleri hakkında bölüm bölüm açıklama yapılacaktır. Ardından halk şiirinden Karacaoğlan ile modern şiirden Seyhan Erözçelik'in şiirlerine yedi farklı sapma çeşitleri açısından bakılacaktır. Karacaoğlan yaşadığı dönem gereği farklı dilsel özellikleri kullanmıştır. Seyhan Erözçelik ise şiirlerinin temelini çağın anlayışının yanı sıra halk söyleyişlerinden alınan öğeler oluşturur. Gerek Karacaoğlan'ın gerekse Seyhan Erözçelik'in şiirlerinde olduğu gibi bilinçli ve bilinçsizce de olsa kullanılan sapmalar, şiirin anlamını genişleten bir araç görünümü kazanır


In general, the divergent use of language in poetry is called deviation. Dogan Aksan says that the subject discussed under the name Deviation includes the tendency to consciously make changes in the qualities of both the voice and form of the words and in terms of the syntax of the language and to use new words and forms of expression that are not found on the underside. According to Aksan; the artist poet adds that this tendency is aimed at making a new power to the language with preference, making the displays more effective in terms of sound and meaning, and aiming to create new values of different designs and emotions in the mind of the reader and listener. From here it can be said that "Deviation" is one of the topics that open the way in the examination of poetry. This use comes in seven different ways to read. These; literary deviations, phonological deviations, grammatical deviations, semantic deviations, dialectical deviations, historical period deviations, categorical deviations, and lexical deviations. In this study, first of all, the concept of deviation will be given and in the continuation section section explanation about varieties will be made. Then the poems of Karacaoğlan and modern poet Seyhan Erözçelik will be examined in terms of seven different types of deviation. Karacaoğlan used different linguistic features for the period he lived. Seyhan Erözçelik constitutes the basis of his poems, as well as his understanding of the age and the elements taken from his folktales. Whether Karacaoğlan or Seyhan Erözçelik's poems are used consciously or unconsciously, deviations are seen as a vehicle that extends the meaning of poetry As Michel Foucault has stated, "The poet fulfills the reverse function" (Foucault, 1994, p. 84), poetry is in fact a departure. In general, the divergent use of language in poetry is called deviation. Poetry is a literary genre that makes it feel much more readable than straight quoting. It is a way to tell for more impressive, reasoning by crushing, carving and differentiating. This type-specific deviation sometimes becomes a necessity in the language of poetry. In this study, however, it will be pointed out more than poetry-specific. Deviation is used as a technique in the species. Dogan Aksan says that the subject discussed under the name of deviation from English deviations includes the tendency to consciously undergo changes in their qualities in terms of both the voice and form characteristics of the words and in terms of the language syntax and the tendency to use new words and expressions that are not found on the underside. According to Aksan; the artist poet adds that this tendency is aimed at making a new power to the language with preference, making the displays more effective in terms of sound and meaning, and aiming to create new values of different designs and emotions in the mind of the reader and listener. The definition of deviation that Aksan made as this term derives it from the haphazard and natural use. The poets consciously used deviations in their books. From here it can be said that "Deviation" is one of the topics that open the way in the examination of poetry. This use comes in seven different ways to read. These; literary deviations, phonological deviations, grammatical deviations, semantic deviations, dialectical deviations, historical period deviations, categorical deviations, and lexical deviations. In this study, first of all, the concept of deviation will be given and in the continuation section section explanation about varieties will be made. Then the poems of Karacaoğlan and modern poet Seyhan Erözçelik will be examined in terms of seven different types of deviation. One of the reasons for this comparison is to find out whether there is the use of folk poetry and deviation in modern poetry. Another reason is the choice made in poetry selection. Karacaoğlan has benefited from many features of language in improvised poems. As a poet living in a century for Seyhan Erözçelik, he benefited from the opportunities of modern poetry. However, the language used by the two poets is the same. Did the language of give different opportunities to the poet when he thought of the adventure of centuries? The answer to this question can be given by examining all of the poems of Karacaoğlan and Seyhan Erözçelik with a centralized examination of variance. Karacaoğlan readings were made by Cahit Öztelli in 2000 and Karacaoğlan's All Poems published from Özgür publications. The poems of Seyhan Erözçelik were made by Yapı Kredi Publications in 2003 from the book (collective poems) book prepared by the poet himself. Karacaoglan is a popular poet. The poet used different linguistic features for the period he lived without considering his technical anxiety. Seyhan Erözçelik creates the basis of his poems from the elements of the age, as well as from the folktales. But it is the poets of the last century. Therefore, this last century, where many literary genre-specific theories and techniques have developed, is a time period in which writers and poets need to use them. For this reason, deviations that are used both consciously and unconsciously as Karacaoğlan is in the poems of Seyhan Erözçelik, the car has gained appearance. Poetry is, in fact, a linguistic arrangement established by the poet. The fact that the researcher or the reader wrote the poem / writer "why did you write it like that" is not right for them, but also for the authenticity of literary science. But for the reader who wants to get more share from the work, it is necessary to investigate the poetic utterances and meaning properties, and one of the basic reasons for this work has emerged. At the end of the study, it was determined that variants of Karacaoğlan and Seyhan Erözçelik's poems were used. Deviations that show a natural course in Karacaoğlan's poetry provide a meaningful contribution to the long-term reading of the technology, with a charming mindfulness and an impression. The foundations of Seyhan Erözçelik's poems are based on the understanding of the age as well as the items taken from the people's speech. It can not be denied that we have caught a lively style by emphasizing these linguistic expressions that we say in our poetry. But is it that the use of such intense deviations has always been a positive contribution to poetry / poetry, or sometimes it can not stop thinking that it has left the meaning of poetry behind and turned it into a visual / linguistic flare only. Because this style is sometimes so intense that there are many question marks in the reader's mind. It is as if the poet writes for himself only on occasion and seems to keep track of the past. Sometimes it seems that he did not avoid adding strings to dry information. Therefore, as in Karacaoğlan's poems, if not unconsciously used deviations, a view of a vehicle that enlarges the meaning of poetry is gained. With this tool, the poet adds a unique flavor and harmony to his poem. Seyhan Erözçelik's representatives in the modern poem in the case of the discovery, in some cases comes to the goal is seen. This wakes up the thought that you have an artificial poem by shadowing the nature of poetry. Deviation types are a method frequently used by poets for contemporary poetry. Because of the method, it is mostly a conscious choice made by the artist with his own will. In general, poetry in folk poetry, in particular Karacaoğlan poetry, is made by force of tradition of poetry rather than election. In this sense, many uses that can be accepted as a deviation for contemporary poetry can not be accepted as a deviation in Karacaoğlan poetry. On the other hand, Karacaoğlan, who uses all the beauty of language and meaning in a beautiful narrative, has also made unique uses as a result of his poetry ability. Deviations can be accepted if they are evaluated within the frame of contemporary poetry window or within the tradition of folk poetry.


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