Bu çalışmada daha önce üzerine çalışma yapılmamış olan, Dîvânı'nın kaybolduğu rivayet edilen Besnili Lüzûmî'nin, hayatı ve sanatı ile ilgili bilgiler yer almaktadır. Besnili Lüzûmî'nin ismine eski Türk edebiyatı kaynaklarında rastlamamaktayız. Bu, merkeze uzak bir yer olan Besni'de yaşamış olmasından kaynaklanmış olabilir. Ayrıca bu durum, şairin eserinin aynı mahlasla şiirler yazan Diyarbakırlı Lüzûmî Ahmed isimli başka bir şair adına kaydedilmesine neden olmuştur. Besnili Lüzûmî'nin Dîvânı'nın yer aldığı yazma eserin herhangi bir yerinde eserin sahibine ait bir bilgi olmadığından, şiirlerin mahlas beytindeki "Lüzûmî" ibaresinden yola çıkılarak kaynaklardaki tek Lüzûmî mahlaslı Diyarbakırlı Lüzûmî Ahmed adına eserin kaydedilmiş olması muhtemeldir. Yapılan bu hata, yıllardır Besnili Lüzûmî Dîvânı'nın kaybolduğu hükmünün oluşmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu çalışmayı değerli kılan, yıllardır kaybolduğu düşünülen bir eserin yeniden kültürümüze kazandırılmasıdır. Tezkire ve diğer kaynaklarda adına ulaşamadığımız şairin hayatıyla ilgili bilgilere, yalnızca Adıyaman ve Besni'yi anlatan kitaplarda rastlamaktayız. Bu nedenle hayatıyla ilgili çok mahdut bir bilgiye sahibiz. Lüzûmî Efendi Hicri 1218, Miladi 1802'de şu an Adıyaman ilinin bir ilçesi olan Besni'nin Hamra Mahallesi'nde dünyaya gelmiştir. Lüzûmî Efendi tahsil hayatına Urfa, Diyarbakır, Halep medreselerinde başlamış, burada Arapça, Farsçanın yanında İslamî ilimlere de vakıf olmuştur. Tahsil hayatından sonra Besni'ye dönen Lüzûmî Efendi, burada müderrislik ve müftülük yapmıştır. Birçok talebe yetiştirmiştir. Besnili Lüzûmî Efendi; Hicri 1283, Miladi 1867 tarihinde vefat etmiştirLüzûmî'nin Dîvânı'nın göze çarpan en önemli özelliği, güzel aşk şiirleriyle dolu olmasıdır.

Turkish Studies International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/4 Winter 2015, p. 671-686

This study contains information about the life and the art of Besnili Lüzumi who has not been studied enough and whose Divan is related to be lost. We do not come across with the name of Besnili Lüzumi in the sources of the old Turkish literature. It can be because of the fact that he has lived in Besni which is far from the centre of the state. In addition, this situation has led his work to be registered for the name of another poet using the same pseudonym and whose real name was Diyarbakırlı Lüzûmî Ahmed. Due to not including any information about its author, it is possible that it has been registered under the name of Diyarbakırlı Lüzûmî Ahmed who is the only artist using the pseudonym of ‘Lüzumi’ with reference to the inscription of ‘Lüzumi’ used in the pseudonym couplet of the poems. This mistake has led to a misunderstanding that his Divan has lost. The point that makes this study valuable is to reintroduce a work, considered to be lost for ages, to our culture. We come upon information about the life of the poet that we can not reach in collection of biographies and in other sources only in the boks written on Adıyaman and Besni. That is why we have very limited in formation about his life. Lüzûmî was born in Hamra neighbourhood in Besni which is now a district of Adıyaman in 1218 Hijri Calendar, in 1802 Gregorian Calendar. He has started his education life in Urfa, Diyarbakır, Aleppo madrasahs and become competent on Arabic, Persian and Islamic Sciences as well. He has come back to Besni after his education life and studided as mudarris and mufti there. He has trained many students. He died in 1283 Hijri, in 1867 Gregorian. His tomb is in Adıyaman Province, Besni District, Sülüklü Dere Region. The surviving manuscripts from the Ottoman civilization that constitute the most important part of our culture hasn’t been required much attention in the last year, unfortunately. So many works have been lost or destroyed or it is recorded the name of the wrong artists like in ‘Besnili Lüzûmî Ccouncil. Luzimi is a sincere council poet who we reach his council that is lost after nearly one hundred and fifty years after his death. From sources that is describing his life, we learn that Luzimi is a sincere and emotional poet. This spiritual structure of him was reflected in his poems exceedingly too. Lüzûmî council’s major part is comprised of odes and the majority of these odes are lyrics. Especially with poems about love and lovers, Besnili Lüzûmî ve Kaybolan Dîvânı 673 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/4 Winter 2015 poet goes to the summit of lyricism. I suppose that there isn’t hardly another council poet who tells love, sadness, separation, pain so honestly and sincerely. Love concrete is processed in a clear style in the Council of Lüzûmî. This concreteness is a result of localization flow that takes affect further the entire Ottoman poetry after Nedim. Poet provides effecting the lyricism reader by using more simple wording instead of using viscous style in the poems of love. The only work of Lüzumi on our hands is ‘Counsil’ of him. This work has been rumored to be lost in the sources that provide information about Lüzûmî. Dîvân of Besnili Lüzûmî located in the 56b98 foils of manuscripts being archives number; 06 Mil Yz A the 5380/2 in National Library was inadvertently recorded on behalf of poet named Lüzûmî Ahmed of Diyarbakır. Because of not taking part in collection of biographies and in the source of the other sofas poetries the name of Besnili Lüzûmî and the absence of any statement relating to the owner of the work in manuscript, it was restricted to the phrase of "Lüzûmî" probably in pseudonym couplets of poetries to determine of the author and the author is believed to be Lüzûmî Ahmed of Diyarbakır who is the only poet Lüzûmî mahlasl in the Divan poetry sources because of this phrase. This mistake has caused the formation of the judgment that has lost Besnili Lüzûmî's Counsil for years. The information of lost the Manuscript Counsil locted poetry in the sources telling the life of him is already available. The Counsil is rumoured to have disappeared by reverting to Mr. Fevzi of recently former Malatya deputy. We have already mentioned that; there is no registered point un the written works that the written works belongs to Lüzumi from Besni. However the leaf manuscripts in the 97's ode linens are expressed as "Gazel-i Nevres Tahmis-i Lüzumi El-Bihisnivi" These records proves that the Divan that de had belonged to Luzumi which has been lost. Also some poems that belonged to Luzumi which are un the books telling about Besni and Adıyaman are nearly the same with the civan poems. Divan begins with ode. Ghazel are arranged un such a way that is set up alphabetically. After Ghazals there are two murtezad; two müseddes; one musebba; one muhammes and two tahmis. Lüzûmî who lived in the 19th century in most striking poems are reminiscent of Nedimân the utterance Localization current impact of love poems. Lüzûmî, told love in an effective way, within the impact of the localization trend he has written poems with a simple and concrete manner which leave an impression on the readers. Although he lived in a small town, we can see the subtle characteristics such as the feeding of the Divan poetry in Lüzûmî's poetry. His poems nearly has no differences with poets' who had lived in the Palace in the Capital Cities. Lüzûmî used as a common language and same way with other Ottoman poets. The poet who lived in a modest Anatolian town has been written poems same with his other Ottoman denominator poets' shows that Divan Literature hadn't just chosen by Ottoman Palace also had been prefered by people who lived in an Ottoman town and also it shows that in 19th century, Besni was 674 Maşallah KIZILTAŞ Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/4 Winter 2015 an important cultural center because being had poets who were important for Diwan Poets such as Sıtkı Efendi and Luzumi Thought that the Court of lost and that have not been working on Besnili Lüzûmî and this study led to the submitted to the consideration of the work of the scientific world, we have very limited knowledge about the life of the poet about other research we hope will be the occasion.


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