Türk edebiyatının en seçkin eserlerinden biri olan Aşk-ı Memnu, Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil'in en önemli romanlarındandır. Yazıldığı zamandan bugüne kadar hemen her eleştirmenin üzerine söz söyleme gereksinimi duyduğu bu büyük eser, ayrıntılı incelemeye tabi tutulduğunda çok katmanlı yapısı ile yazarın insan psikolojisi ve fizyolojisi hakkındaki derin bilgi birikimine dikkatleri çekmektedir. Beden yapısı ve psikoloji uyumu ekseninde yapılan karakter çözümlemeleri milattan önceki çağlara uzanmaktadır. Önceleri dört element olarak bilinen anasır-ı erbaa (ateş, hava, su, toprak) ve vücuttaki dört sıvı olarak bilinen ahlat-ı erbaa (kan, safra, balgam, sevda) unsurlarına göre mizaç çözümlemesine gidilirken daha sonraki süreçte bedenin morfolojik özelliklerinden faydalanılarak mizaçlar hakkında ön görü çözümlemeleriyle birlikte insan psikolojisinin derinlerine inilmiş rüyalar ve serbest çağrışım yoluyla kompleksler algılanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bütün bu bilgiler insan psikolojisiyle yakından alakalı olan edebiyat bilimini ve sanatını da etkilemiş yazarlar/şairler bilinçdışı dehlizlere ulaşmaya çalışarak daha derin eserler ortaya koyarken bu eserlerle karşılaşan araştırmacılar daha donanımlı olmak zorunda kalmıştır. Edebiyat ve psikoloji bilimlerini bir araya getiren disiplinler arası çalışmalar tam da bu ihtiyaçtan ortaya çıkmıştır. psikanalitik kuram çerçevesinde çözümlemeleri yapılacaktır. Ayrıca eserin yazar-dönem-akım merkezli değerlendirmesine de zaman zaman yer verilecektir


Aşk-ı Memnu, one of the most prestigious works of Turkish Literature is one of the most important novels of Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil. From the first times that the novel published, it was a very popular topic for many critics. When the novel is critiqued in detail, the magnificent knowledge accumulation of the author about human psychology and physiology takes attention. Body movements and the character analysis history go back to Before Christ. In the Ancient times human character analysis were based on anasır-ı erbaa respect to four elements that are fire, air, aqua and earth and ahlat-ı erbaa that is bodily fluids; blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. Lately, character analysis mostly depended on morphologic features of human body. A Sigmund Freud unconscious analysis method tries to explain the depressed complexes by using the symbolic values of the things from the dreams. All those information have huge effects on literature that is highly correlated with human psychology. Depending on that fact, authors and poets aims to reach unconscious vestibules of human and created more deep artifacts. Researchers that face those kinds of arts needs to be more qualified in order to keep themselves up to date. Interdisciplinary works and analysis that brings literature and psychology together mainly exist just because of that reason. Aşk-ı Memnu, is one of the very early examples of Naturalism in Turkish Literature. If that novel is critiqued depending on the mentioned information, it is obvious that the novel contains lots of knowledge and information about body type and character from both old school and modern school. In this study, the five main character of the novel; Bihter, Nihal, Behlül, Firdevs Hanım and Adnan Bey will be deeply analyzed first based on anasır-ı erbaa and ahlat-ı erbaa facts, and then Kretschmer, Sheldon and Corman will be followed. Their studies on body type and character harmony will be linked to Freud's psychoanalytic methodology. On the other hand, author - period - current analysis also will be included in the study Aşk-ı Memnu, one of the most prestigious works of Turkish Literature is one of the most important novels of Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil that reveals both the artist's genius and the intellectual unit. The novel is full of extensive submissions from novel's of Bourget, Dumas, Flaubert's and also from Platon's Timaios, İbrahim Hakkı's Marifetname, Lavater's ilm-i sima, Art-society items were built with ingenious knitting within the novel. Every character in the novel draws attention to the smallest detail in a very different spirit and that increases the value of the novel. At the end of the study, it was found that Uşaklıgil's foundations were based on the knowledge of naturalist movement and he established every character within the framework of psychology-physiology connection. All of the five five main figures examined are in parallel with the information in the technical sources that come in terms of element-personality adaptation, body structure-character association, consciousness-unconscious relationship. In the first section of the analysis, old medicine and astrological sources will be used in order to bring theoretical information about the horoscopes in the frame of air, fire, water and earth elements and these information will be taken into consideration in the reflection of Aşk-ı Memnu. In the second stage, the strong works of Ernest Kretschmer, W. H. Sheldon and Louis Corman on body structure and psychological adjustment will be based on the theoretical information and a general evaluation of Aşk-ı Memnu will be evaluated in that frame. In the third stage, in the light of Sigmund Freud's theory the theoretical basis of psychoanalytic findings in the novel Aşk-ı Memnu will be discussed.In the final section, the five most important characters of the novel; Bihter, Nihal, Behlül, Firdevs Hanım and Adnan Bey, will be analyzed according to the characteristics and signs of the elements that they have individually and their effects on body structures and their psychology, and finally the unconscious complexes will be solved. Bihter, a member of the air element belonging to the Libra horoscope, is noted to be an athletic type who is able to show mania-melancholy characteristics in terms of body structure according to humoral pathology (ahlat-ı erbaa) conditions and her psychoanalytic reading shows that she has Electra complex, negative mother complex and narcissistic character. It is seen that Nihal, who is considered to be a member of earth element Capricorn, is a melancholic person according to humoral pathology (ahlat-ı erbaa) conditions. On the other hand, the body structure and characteristically shows that she is schizophrenic lyric asthenic type and when psychoanalytic reading is made, she is a character affected by Electra and negative mother complex. Behlül, who is thought to be from the Sagittarius, belongs to the Fire element, and according to the elements of humoral pathology (ahlat-ı erbaa) it is seen as a koleric, according to his body structure and character. He is a maniacal athletic type and when psychoanalytic reading is implied, his character influenced by Oidipus and Narcissism. Firdevs, who is a member of the water element Scorpio, according to humoral pathology (ahlat-ı erbaa) elements is phlegmatic, according to body structure and character harmony she is seen to be a narcissistic athletic type and when psychoanalytic reading is done, narcissism and hysterically influenced character. Adnan Bey, who is also considered to be a member of the water element according to the elements of humoral pathology (ahlat-ı erbaa). The characteristics is phlegmatic according to body structure and character is a picnic type close to melancholy athletic athlete, and melancholic when psychoanalytic reading is done Based on this information, the events that Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil, the creator of Aşk-ı Memnu, included in his life and the experiences of the people around him, will be partly touched. One of the aims of work is to reflect the II. Abdulhamit period and the Ottoman Empire. It is concluded that Uşaklıgil was declared as "the artist who started the Turkish novel" by virtually all literary scholars such as Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Mehmet Kaplan, Fethi Naci and Cevdet Kudret is not a coincidence. In addition to this, it is possible to find the most mature state of Nabizade Nazim's Zehra, which affects the lives around him deeply with the feeling of jealousy he received from his mother, who is shown as the first naturalistic work in Turkish literature, in Bihter, who flirted to resemble his mother Firdevs Hanim but could not resist genetics. Even Mehmet Rauf, who wrote "Eylül", that is considered as the first psychological novel in the Turkish Literature, one of the results of his study of the idea that Aşk-ı Memnu, written before the Eylül, might be considered the first psychological novel, perhaps by preaching Eylül. Aşk-ı Memnu, one of the most important works of Turkish literature which has deep references and reflects both the personal and the collective unconscious, has invaluable technical and artistic value. The study, which consists of the analysis of the five main characters of the novel, aims to investigate these characters in depth in terms of psychological-physiological and social classes. When the novelists were examined, it is concluded that every character had a piece of the author's own personal characteristics, but most of Adnan Bey had been taken into protection by the author and thus the main character is accepted to be Adnan Bey. In addition, when an evaluation is made in the character-writer axis, Behlül, Bihter and Firdevs Hanım reveals the author's the substance, Adnan Bey and Nihal correspond to manner of the author. The effects of the social and political structure of the period on the novel are also mentioned, as the literary movement adopted by the author, based on the five main characters of the novel, is mentioned in the romanized reflections of the literary community to which he belongs. Thus, comments were made regarding the social structure of the Ottoman Empire and the authors of the Servet-i Fünun period in the case of Aşk-ı Memnu. Based on the work of Serol Teber's Melankoli 'Normal Bir Anomali' (2009: 166), the character, the body type and also psychoanalytic is also included in the table below in order to examine the character analysis of Aşk-ı Memnu.


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