Hz. Peygamber'in Müslüman çağdaşları olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz sahabe nesli, Kur'an'ın ilk muhatabı olmaları itibariyle diğer İslami disiplinlerde olduğu gibi Tefsir ilmi bağlamında da oldukça önemsenen bir konumdadır. Özellikle Kur'an bilgisi üst düzey olan sahabiler bu konuda ayrı bir yere sahiptirler. Bu bağlamda sayabileceğim sahabeden biri Abdullah b. Mesud'dur. Çünkü o, İslam'ın ilk yıllarında Müslüman olmuş, nüzûl coğrafyasında yaşamış ve Hz. Peygamber'e yakın olan sahâbeden biri olmuştur. Hz. Peygamber'e yakın olması, hem onun (s.a.s.) eğitiminden geçmesi bakımından hem de nâzil olan ayetlere bizzat şahitlik etmesi yönüyle önemlidir. Ayrıca o diğer sahabe gibi nüzûl dönemi Arapça'sını bilmektedir. Bunların yanı sıra ömrü boyunca Kur'an bilgisini geliştirmeye yönelik çaba sarf ettiği bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda o, Kur'an'ı doğru anlama bakımından kazanımlar elde etmiştir. İbn Mesud'un sadece ayetlerin diline veya nüzûl bilgisine değil, Kur'an'ın içeriğine dair geniş bir bilgi birikimine sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Bu yönüyle de onun ismi kaynaklarda Kur'an tefsiriyle meşgul olan ilk on sahabe arasında geçmektedir. Kaynaklarda Kur'an'ı çokça okumayı adet edindiği ve günlük hayatta karşılaştığı meselelere içtihat yoluyla ve ayetlerden örnekler vererek çözüm aradığı bilgisi yer almaktadır. Bu yönüyle o, Kur'an'ı dinin ana kaynağı görmüş ve onu hayatına tam manasıyla katmıştır. Bu çalışma onun Kur'an ile münasebetinin bir nebze de olsa tespiti amacıyla kaleme alınmıştır


Our study aims to fix the place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud one of the prominent sahabi. In our essay it is dealt the sources of İbn Mesud’s Quranic knowledge under primarily title. His domination on Arabic language, to live with Prophet Muhammed at the same enviroment and his witness to the revelation of verses are examinated under different titles. These titles are important because they put forth his groundwork of Quranic knowledge and perception. The points here are not possible for each person who characterized as “Sahabe”. Because all muslims characterized as sahabi who see Prophet Muhammed. But its not the same thing who sees him just once or just some times and who lives around and near him all times. The second of course benefits more than once. Thus Abdulah b. Mesud is one of who lived around and near the Prophet Muhammed and utilized too much from him. The second main title is “The Place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud”. Under this title the are four sub-titles. It is fixed his knowledge about content of Kur’an under the title of “Knowledge of Kur’an”. Then it is ranked the title of “His Importance to Read and Understand the Kur’an” which analyses his importance to read and understand the Kur’an. Another title is “His Correlate between Kur’an and Life”. This title keeps some samples which present that he routinized to read verses from Kur’an after some Hadises. Final title is “His Opinions On the Nature of Kur’an”. Under this title it is examined the transfers which contains some of his words and acts about Kur’an. So it was tried to show the place of Kur’an in his life. With the begining of revealing of Kur’an, it was begun to connection of Kur’an with life. The first name who meets the Kur’an with life was Prophet Muhammed surely. He was establishing bond of Kur’an with life truely. The community who believe the true religion brought by him and called as sahabe was witnessing this situation. Because of this the knowledge of sahabe the first collocutor of Kur’an is considered important in all ages and used as evidence in scientific datas. Because of the same reason each words conveyed from them about Tafsir has a value and priority. Because they witnessed the revelation of the Kur’an and they lived together with Prophet Muhammed. Also Kur’an has been revealed by their language. Ibn Kesir says in this regard “when ve can’t find the tafsir of an ayet in Kur’an and Sünnet, we appeal the word of sahabe. Because they were to know the special situations, presumptions and the meaning of verses very good. In addition they were perfect on knowledge and perseverant on the action. Especially the scholars of them, Rashid Caliphs and some of who prominent persons of sahabe just like Abdullah b. Mesud both guided themself and guided the others. God bless them!” as it is understood from the words of Ibn Kesir, each of the sahabae wasn’t the same in point of knowledge and understanding. In this context some of the sahabe were more distinguished. In this regard one of them was Our study aims to fix the place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud one of the prominent sahabi. In our essay it is dealt the sources of İbn Mesud’s Quranic knowledge under primarily title. His domination on Arabic language, to live with Prophet Muhammed at the same enviroment and his witness to the revelation of verses are examinated under different titles. These titles are important because they put forth his groundwork of Quranic knowledge and perception. The points here are not possible for each person who characterized as “Sahabe”. Because all muslims characterized as sahabi who see Prophet Muhammed. But its not the same thing who sees him just once or just some times and who lives around and near him all times. The second of course benefits more than once. Thus Abdulah b. Mesud is one of who lived around and near the Prophet Muhammed and utilized too much from him. The second main title is “The Place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud”. Under this title the are four sub-titles. It is fixed his knowledge about content of Kur’an under the title of “Knowledge of Kur’an”. Then it is ranked the title of “His Importance to Read and Understand the Kur’an” which analyses his importance to read and understand the Kur’an. Another title is “His Correlate between Kur’an and Life”. This title keeps some samples which present that he routinized to read verses from Kur’an after some Hadises. Final title is “His Opinions On the Nature of Kur’an”. Under this title it is examined the transfers which contains some of his words and acts about Kur’an. So it was tried to show the place of Kur’an in his life. With the begining of revealing of Kur’an, it was begun to connection of Kur’an with life. The first name who meets the Kur’an with life was Prophet Muhammed surely. He was establishing bond of Kur’an with life truely. The community who believe the true religion brought by him and called as sahabe was witnessing this situation. Because of this the knowledge of sahabe the first collocutor of Kur’an is considered important in all ages and used as evidence in scientific datas. Because of the same reason each words conveyed from them about Tafsir has a value and priority. Because they witnessed the revelation of the Kur’an and they lived together with Prophet Muhammed. Also Kur’an has been revealed by their language. Ibn Kesir says in this regard “when ve can’t find the tafsir of an ayet in Kur’an and Sünnet, we appeal the word of sahabe. Because they were to know the special situations, presumptions and the meaning of verses very good. In addition they were perfect on knowledge and perseverant on the action. Especially the scholars of them, Rashid Caliphs and some of who prominent persons of sahabe just like Abdullah b. Mesud both guided themself and guided the others. God bless them!” as it is understood from the words of Ibn Kesir, each of the sahabae wasn’t the same in point of knowledge and understanding. In this context some of the sahabe were more distinguished. In this regard one of them was Our study aims to fix the place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud one of the prominent sahabi. In our essay it is dealt the sources of İbn Mesud’s Quranic knowledge under primarily title. His domination on Arabic language, to live with Prophet Muhammed at the same enviroment and his witness to the revelation of verses are examinated under different titles. These titles are important because they put forth his groundwork of Quranic knowledge and perception. The points here are not possible for each person who characterized as “Sahabe”. Because all muslims characterized as sahabi who see Prophet Muhammed. But its not the same thing who sees him just once or just some times and who lives around and near him all times. The second of course benefits more than once. Thus Abdulah b. Mesud is one of who lived around and near the Prophet Muhammed and utilized too much from him. The second main title is “The Place of Kur’an in the life of Abdullah b. Mesud”. Under this title the are four sub-titles. It is fixed his knowledge about content of Kur’an under the title of “Knowledge of Kur’an”. Then it is ranked the title of “His Importance to Read and Understand the Kur’an” which analyses his importance to read and understand the Kur’an. Another title is “His Correlate between Kur’an and Life”. This title keeps some samples which present that he routinized to read verses from Kur’an after some Hadises. Final title is “His Opinions On the Nature of Kur’an”. Under this title it is examined the transfers which contains some of his words and acts about Kur’an. So it was tried to show the place of Kur’an in his life. With the begining of revealing of Kur’an, it was begun to connection of Kur’an with life. The first name who meets the Kur’an with life was Prophet Muhammed surely. He was establishing bond of Kur’an with life truely. The community who believe the true religion brought by him and called as sahabe was witnessing this situation. Because of this the knowledge of sahabe the first collocutor of Kur’an is considered important in all ages and used as evidence in scientific datas. Because of the same reason each words conveyed from them about Tafsir has a value and priority. Because they witnessed the revelation of the Kur’an and they lived together with Prophet Muhammed. Also Kur’an has been revealed by their language. Ibn Kesir says in this regard “when ve can’t find the tafsir of an ayet in Kur’an and Sünnet, we appeal the word of sahabe. Because they were to know the special situations, presumptions and the meaning of verses very good. In addition they were perfect on knowledge and perseverant on the action. Especially the scholars of them, Rashid Caliphs and some of who prominent persons of sahabe just like Abdullah b. Mesud both guided themself and guided the others. God bless them!” as it is understood from the words of Ibn Kesir, each of the sahabae wasn’t the same in point of knowledge and understanding. In this context some of the sahabe were more distinguished. In this regard one of them was certainly Ibn Mesud. Because he became Muslim in the first days of Islam. And most of the time he strained to become together with Prophet Muhammed and thus to utilize from him. This raised his situation between the sahabe in the scientific meaning. Thus we can count his name into the top ten in the field of Tefsir. Because of all these reasons this study will be on the fication of place of Kur’an in the life of Ibn Mesud. There is not much information about the pre-Islamic life of Abdullah Ibn Mesud. It ıs known thet he was from the first Muslims and one of the “aşere-i mubeşşere”. He said that he is one of the first six muslims. He was a sheepman when he was a child. In Islamic sources it is written that he was the first person who chant the Kur’an loudly in Mekke. He was one of who immigrated to Habeşistan. He attended to Bedir, Uhud, Hendek and the other wars. He has been likened to Prophet Muhammed with regard to his morality, dignity, tranquility and his attitudes. He has been quoted a few hadis from Prophet Muhammed. Consequently Sahabe is a community which has been noticed everytime in terms of their understanding to Kur’an and their lifestyle. However these people’s knowledge, understanding and living of Kur’an haven’t been the same. In this context some of them has been more and more noticed. And one of the noticed person is Abdullah Ibn Mesud. He became Muslim in the begining period of Islam. Thus he had a chance to trained by the Prophet Muhammed. Otherwise in order to live in the territory of revelation he knows the Arabic language well and he witnessed the reasons of revelation. These possibilities have been acquirement for understanding the Kur’an. Then he had the opportunity to learn the Kur’an from Prophet Muhamed. As he know the language and the reasons of the verses he understood the verses correctly. Ibn Mesud who attach importance to read and learn the Kur’an has been the first who recited the Kur’an openly in front of the Mushriks in Mekke just in the beginning of Islam. This is important with regard to show us his heart bond to Kur’an. This bond is seen in his effort to memorize it. Thus in some narratives he has been memorized the whole Kur’an and in some narratives he has been died without complate the memorize. But it is clear that he considered important to memorize the Kur’an. However its more important for him to join the verses he learnt to the life. Because of this he he has connected the verses with life. He made this by two ways. Firstly he referred to verses in solving the canon law problems. Secondly he brought a verse as evidence in all directions of daily life. These points show us that his knowledge of Kur’an is top level.
