Türk Polis Teşkilatının (TPT) misyonu bireylerin temel hak ve hürriyetlerini korumak ve toplumun düzen içinde yaşamını sürdürmesi için hukuk ilkeleri içerisinde güvenlik hizmeti sunmaktır. TPT'nin bu misyona ulaşabilmesi için sahip olduğu maddi ve beşeri kaynakları verimli ve etkin bir şekilde kullanması oldukça önemlidir. TPT, çalışanların performansını arzulanan seviyeye yükseltebilmek için mali, psikolojik, sosyal ve polislik mesleğine özgü motivasyon araçları kullanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın hipotezi: "TPT'nin bireysel ve örgütsel verimliliği artırabilmek için kullandığı motivasyon araçlarının hukukunda ve yönetiminde önemli sorunlar vardır." düşüncesi üzerine kurulmuştur. Hipotezi sınamak için yöntem olarak literatür araştırması yapılmıştır. Çalışmada TPT'deki motivasyon yönetimine dair sorunsallar kapsam teorileri çerçevesinde tartışılırken polislik mesleğine indirgenebilecek ve konumlandırılabilecek şekilde sınırlı tutulmuştur. Nitekim polislik mesleğinin başka kamu ve özel örgütlerde bulunmayan kendine özgü nitelikleri vardır. Çalışmanın hedefi polisin mesleğinden dolayı iş hayatında ve özel hayatında yaşadığı sorunların TPT'nin uygulayacağı iyi bir motivasyon yönetimiyle aşılabilir olduğunu ortaya koyabilmektir. Çalışmanın özgünlüğünden ve alana katkı sağlama potansiyelinden bahsetmek mümkündür. Çalışmada; TPT'nin bir örgüt olarak kendisinin ve personelinin performansını artırabilmek için kullandığı motivasyon araçlarından bazılarının çalışanı güdülemekten uzak olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


The mission of Turkish National Police (TNP) is to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of people, take necessary measures to ensure public order and offer security service within the law. In order to achieve its above mentioned target and improve the staff performance to the desired level, it is very important for the TNP to use human and material resources, and motivational tools such as social, psychological, financial and motivational tools related to police efficiently. Hypothesis of this study is based on the following thought: “Motivational tools used by the TNP to improve organizational and individual productivity are problematic”. A literature search was conducted to test this hypothesis. When discussing the problems regarding the management of police motivation in TNP within the framework of the “Content Theories”, It was limited to the policing issue. Because there are distinctive qualities of police profession. Police officers have got important job-specific problems about the nature of policing which are about advancing in career and emerged due to the effects of external factors; these problems result from the functioning, atmosphere and culture of the police organization. In other words, the situation for the police is; one touch, a thousand ouch. It is possible to say the police are right about their reproach on unfair behavior of superiors, injustice in appointments, the provision they don't get in return for their value they deserve, the police organization leaving them alone, their achievements that are not appreciated and insufficient salary. It wouldn't be realistic to talk about productivity and motivational tools managed properly in an organization where there are great many complaints and which directly concerns the happiness, health and psychology of thousands of people. The tools that motivate the police of a country will vary according to that country's geographical position and climate; social, economic, political and administrative status; and the security threats faced by her. Besides, the population density of the location of the police, the education level and seniority of the personnel and the availability of some tools and equipment depending on the organization's budget can also affect the motivation of the police. While even the availability of the air conditioning in the offices of police departments in the hot African countries motivate the police, the way to motivate the police in U.S.A where the life standard is high is to give the police annual leave more. Hiring police candidates, who have spiritual values about integrity and independence of the state, in the countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan where domestic turbulence is intense will facilitate the motivation management of those countries. In some South American countries where the drug trade and the crime of money laundering are accepted as security threats, satisfactory salary and provision of secured housing for police families will increase the efficiency of the police so that they can better fight those crimes. The police service that is responsible for the protection of public safety and fighting crime and criminals in the law is one of the public institutions affected most by any developments in the world, the flow of information and the globalization’s positive and negative consequences. Because criminals know no bounds for their crime methods, tools and locations. Today, it is possible to see Transnational Organized Crime gangs behind a crime in Turkey. According to the report of the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), organized crimes' money movement all around the world was about 877 billion dollars in 2009. This amount is 1.5 of the world income (GDPGross Domestic Product). Having high performance police officers who will fight crime gangs directly concerning a country's economy and people's lives in security, help people in their difficult moments, remain faithful to democratic values so as to prevent crimes and keeping these policemen focused on the job is not possible with the written law or by just increasing the salaries. Well-selected and well-trained police officers' motivation must be managed successfully in order to fulfill all these works. It is possible to talk about the study's potential to contribution to the police literature and possibility of contributing to the legal and administrative regulations to be made on the issues concerning policing because of the results the study presents. The study reached the following conclusions and recommendations: There are important problems generally in Turkish public management and particularly in TNP (Turkish National Police). TNP must firstly determine the standards of policing services via work study and analysis in order to be successful in motivation management. Police students who are suitable for the standards of the profession and loves it must be trained in police training schools where contemporary-modern and application-oriented basic policing education is applied. It will be easier to provide motivation for the police officers who love the job and received a quality basic training for policing before the profession. In fact, policing is not subsistence for those who cannot find work. Motivational tools used in TNP must be revised. Motivational tools used in TNP must be updated by taking today's security threats, expectations of the police officers, and the country's social and economic realities into consideration. Especially "prize money" and "rank promotion system" which are among the tools used to promote success in TNP has become a cause of strife-conflict in the institution rather than promote success. The prize money law must be reorganized or removed completely. The rank promotion system based on aging must give way to the rank promotion system that cares about performance and concrete merit criteria. Even a 30-year-old police chief with high performance should be able to get the top rank of the profession before his or her colleagues. Each police officer must start to work in the police officer rank and then those who are more successful than their colleagues according to the written law regulated by concrete criteria must climb the career ladders. The police schools, reason of conflict between members, must be united under a single name. The above mentioned school located in different cities must be police training centers (PTC). Police vocational high schools located in different cities must be turned into PTCs. In fact, the Police Academy must cease to be a school that trains chiefs and it must be restructured as an academic upper unit where successful police officers are trained to be chiefs, scientific studies about policing are conducted and all the trainings before and within the profession are planned. Police managers should take especially the police officers' ideas into consideration while taking decisions. It is not easy apply a decision in the field without listening to subordinates. Senior staff should listen to subordinates, value them and take the decisions on policing practices with them. TNP should adopt the modern management principles such as transparency-accountability-democratic policing-human oriented not only for citizens but also for their colleagues. Confidence of police officers in their chiefs is very low. Police chiefs themselves should follow the ethical rules first that they want their subordinates to adhere. In this sense, it is extremely important to put police chiefs, especially police directors with high ranks, through job training about leadership and motivation. All kinds of reward must be fair. The understanding that 20 or 30 officers will be rewarded in an operation is problematic. Those that deserve must be rewarded in an operation. In other words, the prize money shouldn't be determined according to the line, the partner's employment status and the individual's economic situation. There a large number of tools that will motivate the staff other than promotion and prize money. Appreciation, taking staff's opinion and including them in management, providing social facilities, assigning responsibilities, trusting the staff and improving work areas are among them. Using these tools properly, timely, fairly and equally will motivate the staff more than the prize money do. The police should accept the subculture truth. However, administrative precautions must be taken to get rid of the negative effects of this truth. Therefore, the police must be socially and economically trained in order to participate in social life, integrate with the public and have more democratic mentality. In fact, it is not difficult to motivate a police officer. An officer who works all night and leaves for home will be happy even when the chief tells him; "You didn't sleep and worked all night, have a good rest, thank you." and that officer will return the next day more willingly for the job. Also, when a chief tells an officer who is reported sick "I am sorry to hear that, see a doctor", that officer's motivation will increase. Because officers want chiefs that will listen to their problems, value them and be with them in difficult times.
