Bu makalede Profesör Eyyüp Gulamov'un, 20. Asır Özbek dilbiliminde morfolojiye ait görüşlerinin şekillenmesindeki yeri geniş ölçüde incelenmiştir. Bunun dışında, Özbek dili morfolojisi hakkında ciddi bilimsel araştırmaların yapıldığı 20. Asrın 40.yıllarına denk gelişi, bu devre kadar genel olarak morfolojiye ait kayıtlardan yavaş yavaş her bir morfolojik hadiseyi ayrı araştırmaya başlanması, bu yönelişteki işleri dilbilimci Eyyyüp Gulamov 1940 yılında "Özbek Dilinde Hal Ekleri" broşür-araştırması ile başladığını ve çok geçmeden, âlimin "Özbek Dilinde Çokluk Kategorisi" eseri ve ayrıca "Özbek Dilinde Söz Tertibi", "Morfolojiye Giriş", "Fiil" kitaplarının ortaya çıkması ve bu kitapların Özbek Dilbilimi içerisindeki yeri incelenmiştir. 20. asrın 40. Yıllarına Özbek dilbiliminde Eyyüp Gulamov, araştırma kaynağına ve çeşitli yönelişlerine temel olan farklı inceleme metotlarını sentezlemiş, her yönden, kaynağın diğer hadiseler ile ilişkisinden ortaya çıkan yaklaşım şeklini kullandı. Âlimin morfolojiye ait çalışmaları, bu araştırma usulü sonuçları sıfatında ortaya çıktığı, ayrıntılı olarak gösterilmek istenmiştir. Bunun dışında makalede Özbek dilbilimindeki incelemelerde hal eklerinin eş anlamlı veya aynı görevde kullanım ilişkilerine, kullanım sırasına, eklerin anlamını kaybetmesi gibi pek çok yönlere de önem verildiği, bununla birlikte, onların edatlar ile kullanması, mana ve görevi gibi konular da A.G. Gulamov tarafından imkân dairesinde öğrenildiği belirtilmiştir


The Place of Prof. Ayub Gulomov in forming Uzbek linguistics of XX century and his views on it is studied in this paper. Author show the Uzbek linguistics’ works of Ayyub Gulomov, who used synthesized system of research analyzing methods of source in Uzbek linguistics in 1940 y. Especilly, Prof. Ayub Gulomov was begun to studying the one of the morphological occurrence as a research subject and he substantiated that approach to the process’ every conditions in the basis of system-structure and substantial way. Articles about affixes la, -dosh are analyzed in his books, such as: “Verb”, “Cases of Uzbek language”, “Plural in Uzbek language”. So, A.Gulomov stated, that tense, mood, voice both by person-quantity category, and by using the usage specifics of every form, and other sides, especially, refinements of meaning expression, usage by compound or swapping, didn’t lose еру importance even in nowadays. Also, there is observed, that linguistics sometimes made some changes, gave this problem in modified form, but none of them didn’t make serious changes to it. So, we can conclude, that theoretical ideas of the scientist on these categories are recognized by variety scientists. Besides it, in this paper shows that the good aspects of books’ Prof. Ayub Gulomov The article deals with the place of Prof. Ayub Gulomov in forming Uzbek linguistics of XX century and his views on it. Particular, Prof. Ayub Gulomov was begun to studying the one of the morphological occurrence as a research subject and he substantiated that approach to the process’ every conditions in the basis of system-structure and substantial way. Articles about affixes -la, -dosh are analyzed in his books, such as: “Verb”, “Cases of Uzbek language”, “Plural in Uzbek language”. So, A.Gulomov stated, that tense, mood, voice both by person-quantity category, and by using the usage specifics of every form, and other sides, especially, refinements of meaning expression, usage by compound or swapping, didn’t lose еру importance even in nowadays. Also, there is observed, that linguistics sometimes made some changes, gave this problem in modified form, but none of them didn’t make serious changes to it. So, we can conclude, that theoretical ideas of the scientist on these categories are recognized by variety scientists. Author shows good aspects of book “Verb” in books expressing her opinion about “Verb”. In this paper A.Gulomov stated, that this unit is used in Turkic in two varieties, also in some Turkic, as Uzbek is used in one (definitely), literal variety, but it can be used in all two varieties in Uzbek dialects and explained their reasons. Besides, he shows, that in live talking Uzbek there is phenomena, never observed in other Turkic, that is, consonant -d in the beginning of affix so effects to the word last sound, that it turns to the voiced sound, for example, safdash - sabdash. Also he comments reasons of mentioned phenomena (Gulomov: 1946, 10). The scientist stated, that affixes, which are its variant in Tajik (acquired into Uzbek) can be synonymous too. On the assumption of these, he concluded on etymology of -dash affix. First of all, he pronounced on the thought of K.G.Zeleman. K.G.Zeleman stated, that –да in affix -dash formed by adjoining the sh to the word esh (friend). This opinion has been supported by N.Ostroumov too. He described -sh as combined unit. Because, as approaching to every phenomena (in cognition) in world, it is impossible to approach to every lingual phenomena (also to its every unit) without bearing in mind of its relation with other phenomena and units. It is true and other research approaching ways are ineffective and one-sidedly. In this connection, professor H.Nematov stated: “Each of both structural (particularly, substantive) and formal interpretations of lingual unit are may be effective in own spheres, but they do disclose only one side of such multilateral research source, as lingual unit. And disclosing of other sides now is the task for the science. Time and development of science will go on to disclose them. That’s why, in Uzbek linguistics, precisely in Uzbek, we can see diverse approaches and research ways” [Замонавий ўзбек тили: 2008, 24]. Every lingual phenomena, its features, sides and conclusions on them will be deepened and developed on the assumption of approaching character, goal, its scales, learning curve researcher, his objectivity or partiality, research size, viewpoints, research standards, general scientific-practical environment. Truly, further researches will change, supplement, develop, improve, enrich, specify and deepen them. He approaches to each lingual phenomenon, research source by application of all principles and general regularities of dialectics. In the scientists works can be observed synthesis of system-structural, formalfunctional (maybe even formal or functional) and substantive research methods. Any of his works can’t be conducted in only one, for example by formal-functional way. Exactly with this feature Ayyub Gulomov is, who founded the researching the Uzbek linguistics by substantive methods, indeed. As is known, substantive linguistics in full implies both system-structural and formal-functional research guidelines. They are demanded by dialectic cognition principles. Besides it, she substantiated that the views of Prof. Ayub Gulomov are important for Modern Uzbek linguistics in this paper. In this way we can see all aspects of place of Professor Ayyub Gulomov in forming of morphological viewpoints in Uzbek linguistics of XX century.
