Sözlükler daima iyi birer kaynakça olmuştur. Yeni bir dili öğrenirken bu kaynakçaların varlığı, ya da eğer uygun bir kaynakça mevcut değilse yokluğu çok daha ön plana çıkmaktadır. Neredeyse yazının keşfi kadar eski olan sözlükler, özellikle dil eğitiminin vazgeçilmez sürdürmüşlerdir. Yabancı dil öğrenimi denildiğinde ise akla ilk olarak iki dilli sözlüklerin geldiği söylenebilir. Öte yanda iki dilli sözlüklerin yeni bir dil (ikinci bir dil) öğrenilmeye başlanıldığında kullanıcısı için vazgeçilmez birer kaynakça olduğunu söylemek mümkün olsa da, bu dili öğrenen bireylerin yabancı dil seviyelerinde artış meydana geldikçe gitgide hedef dilde yazılmış tek dilli sözlüklerin tercih edilir hale geldiği görülür. Bir süre sonra ise o dili ana dil olarak kullanan bireylere yönelik hazırlanan hedef dilde yazılmış bu tek dilli sözlüklerin, bireyler tarafından en çok tercih edilen kaynakçalar haline dönüştüğü ve ne yazık ki iki dilli sözlüklerin bir yana bırakıldığı gözlemlenir. Bu durum Japoncayı yabancı bir dil olarak öğrenen bireyler için de farklı değildir. Bu noktada, yabancı dil eğitiminin vazgeçilmez araç gereçlerinden olan iki dilli sözlüklerin ilk başlarda kullanıcılar tarafından en çok tercih edilen kaynakçalar olduğunu söylemek mümkün iken, her ne sebeple bu özelliklerini yitirerek yerlerini hedef dilde yazılmış tek dilli sözlüklere bıraktığını düşünmekte fayda vardır. alan bu çalışmanın, gelecekte basılacak olan iki dilli sözlüklerin metodolojik gelişimlerine katkıda bulunarak yabancı bir dili öğrenen bireylerin ileri seviyelere geldiklerinde dahi tercih edebilecekleri Yeni Nesil İki Dilli Sözlüklerin oluşturulmasında önemli bir rol oynayacağı ümit edilmektedir


Dictionaries have always been good sources of reference. While learning a new language, the importance of these references, or if a suitable resource is not available the absence of them becomes more prominence. However, when a new language (i.e. “a second language”) is started to be learned, though the bilingual dictionaries are indispensable sources for the learners at the beginning, as the foreign language skills of these learners increase, monolingual dictionaries written in target language begin to take place of the bilingual ones. After a while, they usually give up using bilingual dictionaries and monolingual dictionaries of the target languages become the most popular dictionary type for them. This situation is no different for the people who learn Japanese as a foreign language. At this point, I think we should figure out why such a change in the dictionary use of the learners occurs. In this study, by discussing and identifying the main source of this problem, two kinds of methods are developed. By using these methods according to the characteristics of the definition words in bilingual dictionaries, it becomes possible to overcome these difficulties. Dealing mainly with the non-overlapping parts of polysemous words, this study offers a new method to be able to overcome the above mentioned problems seen in bilingual dictionaries. It is believed and hoped that by contributing to methodology, it will help to develop New Generation Bilingual Dictionaries that the users will want to use at any level of their foreign language training. learning, the importance of the bilingual dictionaries comes in the first place both for the learners and for the teachers of that language, as well. However, when a new language (i.e. “a second language”) is started to be learned, though the bilingual dictionaries are indispensable sources for the learners at the beginning, as the foreign language skills of these learners increase, monolingual dictionaries written in target language begin to take place of the bilingual ones. After a while, they usually give up using bilingual dictionaries and monolingual dictionaries of the target languages become the most popular dictionary type for them. This situation is no different for the people who learn Japanese as a foreign language. At this point, I think we should figure out why such a change in the dictionary use of the learners occurs. In this study, by discussing and identifying the main source of this problem, two kinds of methods are developed. These are the Monosemic Method which is mainly used in every bilingual dictionary of today, and the Polysemic Method that is created originally and newly to solve this problem entirely. For the methods used in today’s bilingual dictionaries have some handicaps, they make overabundant mappings in the polysemous meanings of the definition words, which causes Conceptual Deviations as stated in Kolukisa (2015b), and the misuses of vocabulary. According to this study, it is because the method that the bilingual dictionaries use, are not enough to be able to make a one-toone mapping for all the meanings of the words used in the definitions. It is called in this paper as Monosemic Method, which is used commonly to explain every word in bilingual dictionaries heedless of whether or not the word in definition has polysemy. Consequently, it is detected that this method is not suitable for bilingual dictionaries alone, and using only this method causes lots of usage errors. In order to overcome these difficulties, Polysemic Method has been developed in this paper after analyzing the theories of bilingualism. It becomes possible to overcome the usage errors or misuses on conceptual level by making a choice according to whether or not the definition words have polysemy. On the other hand, we should also mention that this study is one of its pioneers both for it proposes a concrete solution to the mapping problem seen in bilingual dictionaries, and as well as for it models the relationships between the words and the concepts clearly. Unlike other studies, however, it models these relations not only for the monosemous words but also for the polysemous words, as well. Dealing mainly with the non-overlapping parts of polysemous words, this study offers a new method to be able to overcome the above mentioned problems seen in bilingual dictionaries. It is believed and hoped that by contributing to methodology, it will help to develop New Generation Bilingual Dictionaries that the users will want to use at any level of their foreign language training
