Türkçe Öğretim Programlarında geçmişten günümüze çeşitli değişiklikler meydana gelmiştir. Türkçe eğitiminin kalitesinin ve verimliliğinin arttırılmasına yönelik olarak hazırlanan programlar kimi zaman tamamen kimi zaman da kısmen değişikliklere uğrayarak uygulanmıştır. Öğretim programları dersin işleyişini, kazandırılması gereken becerilerin verilme zaman ve tekniklerine rehberlik yapan birer araç oldukları için nitelikli eğitim açısından son derece önemlidir. Dünya da meydana gelen çeşitli toplumsal ve kültürel değişmeler, bilgi ve bilişim teknolojilerindeki yenilikler öğretim programlarında çeşitli değişikliklere gidilmesini zorunlu kılmıştır. Türkçe öğretiminin belli bir amaca dönük, planlı ve en önemlisi de ülke genelinde eşgüdümsel olarak yapılabilmesi için Türkçe öğretim programlarına ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Bu programlar değişik yıllarda ihtiyaç hâsıl olan çeşitli konular bağlamında değişikliğe uğrayarak günümüze kadar uygulanagelmiştir. Cumhuriyet döneminden günümüze kadar Türkçe öğretim programları; 1924, 1927, 1929, 1938, 1949, 1981, 2006 ve son olarak 2015 yılında hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada 2006 ve 2015 Türkçe dersi öğretim programları karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ülkemizde bir derse ait öğretim programını düzenlemek ve yayımlamak Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu'nun görevleri arasındadır. Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunca, bilgi teknolojilerindeki çarpıcı değişiklikler, bilim dünyasında yaşanan çeşitli gelişmeler ve mevcut programın uygulayıcıları tarafından tespit edilen bazı aksaklıklar nedeniyle 2006 yılında hazırlanan Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programında değişiklik yapılması planlanmış; hazırlanan yeni program taslak olarak paydaşların erişimine sunulmuştur. Taslak program belli bir süre askıda kalarak eğitimcilerden program hakkında değerlendirme yapmaları istenmiştir. Bu çalışmada 2015 Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı 2006 Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programına göre kategorisel içerik analizi yöntemine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Öncelikli olarak iki programın temel yaklaşımları ele alınmıştır. Programlar genel amaçlar, programın yapısı, öğrenme alanları, sınıf kazanımları, sınıf düzeylerine göre temalar ve konu örnekleri, sınıf düzeylerine göre ders kitaplarında yer alacak okuma ve dinleme metinleri tür ve dağılımları bakımından incelenmiştir. İncelenen başlıklar tablolar halinde sunulmuş ve her iki programın farklı yönleri sergilenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında kademeli olarak uygulanması planlanan Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programının belirgin özellikleri tartışılmıştır. Yeni öğretim programının Türkçe dersinde öğrencilere kazandırması planlanan becerileri izah edilmeye çalışılmıştır


Various changes have been applied within the Curriculums of Turkish Courses from past to present. The curriculums prepared for the purpose of enhancing the quality and efficiency of the education to be provided in Turkish courses were sometimes performed fully and sometimes by partially undergoing several changes. Educational curriculums are of utmost importance in terms of quality education since these are the tools of guidance for providing the time and techniques for the skills to be gained. Various social and cultural changes occurring throughout the world along with the innovations in information and data processing technologies have affected educational philosophies and approaches, which then turned it into a necessity to apply various changes within the educational programs. Turkish educational programs were required in order for the Turkish education to be performed in an organized way for certain purposes, and most importantly in a coordinated manner throughout the country. These programs have been practised until today by undergoing changes within the context of various subjects required in different years. The Turkish educational 1924,1927,1929,1938,1949,1981,2006 and finally in 2015, starting from the Republican Period until today. programs were prepared during the years 1924,1927,1929,1938,1949,1981,2006 and finally in 2015, starting from the Republican Period until today. In this study, 2006 and 2015 Turkish course curriculums were comparatively compared. In our country, the arrangement and publication of the curriculum of a certain lesson are among the tasks of the Turkish Education Board. Several changes were planned by The Board of Education and Discipline so as to be applied within the Turkish Course Curriculum prepared in 2006 owing to the striking changes in information technologies, various developments experienced in the world of science and several flaws determined by the practitioners of the current curriculum; and the newly prepared curriculum was presented design for the access of the partners involved in this matter. By suspending the designed curriculum for a certain period of time, the educators were asked to make an evaluation on the involved curriculum. In this study, 2015 Curriculum of the Turkish Courses was evaluated in accordance with the categorical content analysis according to 2006 Curriculum of the Turkish Courses. The basic approaches of these two curriculums were dealt with in the first place. These curriculums were analyzed in terms of general objectives, the structure of the curriculum, learning domains, class acquisitions, themes and topic examples according to class levels as well as the types and distributions of reading and listening texts to be included in the course books. The headings that were examined were tried to be presented in the form of tables, and different aspects of both of these curriculums were displayed. At the end of the study period, the typical characteristics of the Turkish Course curriculums planned to be performed step by step during the educational year 2016-2017 were discussed, as well. The skills planned to be acquired by students during the Turkish classes of the new educational program were also tried to be explained. The study was completed after the suggestions on the subject were offered to the educators who were the practitioners of this curriculum Education is a process that purposefully creates changes in individuals’ behaviours through their lives in the desired direction ( Büyükkaragöz, 1998, p. 26 ). Defining the subject in a more general sense, however, Fidan ( 2012, p. 4 ) stated that education was the process of educating and training people according to certain purposes. According to Sönmez ( 1991, p. 95-99 ), on the other hand, education is both a balancing and a transforming tool since life itself is always in a continuous transformational process. To him, the function of education is to raise and educate individuals according to the requirements of the age by determining certain objectives, carrying out and validating these objectives as well as imbuing education with consistent values. Educational programs or curriculums are the texts that allow a given course to be taught in line with the specified targets within a given standard. Curriculums are of significance due to their characteristics of guiding the path to be followed by educators in their educational activities. Countries reflect their policies on educational practices, and eventually, allowing individuals to acquire certain traits foreseen by country policies is provided through the educational programs performed in this respect. The curriculum is defined as all of the activities provided for students by the involved school for the purpose of implementing the general and basic objectives of the national education (Varış,1994). Educational programs are necessary so as to be able to perform education in a planned and qualified manner and in line with the required objectives. Curriculums (educational programs), considering it from the perspective of the ‘’followed path’’, cover subject lists, course content, study program, educational materials, courses, targeted behaviours and anything that is planned to be taught within and out of school environment (Demirel, 2006: 1-2). In other words, an educational program can be defined as the total regular learning experiences the students undergo in order to be able to achieve the desired level in education. (Bilen,2006, p.46). In this study were the Turkish educational curriculums analyzed. The study was limited to the analysis of 2006 and 2015 Turkish educational programs. From the time of the proclamation of the republic until today, Turkish educational programs were prepared, in which several changes were made on certain dates. Turkish educational programs were prepared during the years 1924,1927,1929,1938,1949,1981,2006, respectively. The majority of the curriculums were prepared by rearranging the program at hand by performing partial changes within and then re-submitting the curriculum. Starting from the year 2004, conventional educational approaches were started to be discarded, and new primary education programs were prepared. These newly arranged programs centered on the constructive approach were formed on the axis of various approaches and models, such as multiple intelligence, student-based learning, brain-based learning, susceptibility to individualistic differences, cyclical and thematic approach as well as skills approach (Gün,2004, p,3). However, radical changes were made within 2006 Turkish educational program, and the curriculum was prepared extensively according to the requirements of the age. The 2006 curriculum was constituted through an approach different from the other programs, which was also the start of the radical constitution of the curriculum prepared in 2015 (Temur, 2007). Finally, The Board of Education and Discipline planned to implement the Curriculum for Turkish Courses step by step during the educational period 2016-2017 by performing several changes within it during the year 2015. The adopted approach of the re-arranged program is as follows: “With the Curriculum of Turkish Courses, it is aimed that individuals who understand and comprehend what they listen to and read in published and electronic media, who express themselves verbally and in written form; those who are able to think critically, reflectively and creatively and who are sensitive to the national, moral and universal values be raised and educated through the involved program. The curriculum in question has been prepared with an approach that takes the accumulation, skills and development of students into consideration as well as putting the student in the central position during the learning process, and-and all acquisitions have been designed within a structure showing a continuous development and progress. The learning domains within the curriculum were considered as a whole, starting from the 1st Grade to the 8th Grade. The curriculum in question was designed in the way that it would enable students to develop their language skills by experiencing the richness and affluence of the language. This program is focused on allowing students to develop their understanding, interpretation, evaluation and synthesizing skills by performing practices on different sorts of texts through the acquisitions achieved in the learning domains such as ‘’verbal communication’’, ‘’reading’’ and ‘’writing’’ (H.C.E.D. (Head Council of Education and Discipline), 2015). Since education is of a vital structure, it has to be always updated, applicable and, most importantly, beneficial. Countries have had to re-arrange their educational practices as the result of the innovations required by the age they live in. Societies that wish to raise and train the educated human power with the desired quality and in a proper manner to meet the requirements of the society should make changes within the educational curriculums at certain intervals (Girgin, 2011, p.1). Educational programs have either been changed or re-arranged for several reasons, such as a change in the ideologies of countries, the incapability of current programs to be able to meet the requirements, development of different expectations and requirements occurring within the society, and various changes taking place in educational and information technologies. Since the practitioners of educational programs are teachers, the flaws and malfunctionings as well as the weak and powerful aspects of the program experienced during its operation have mostly been determined by teachers. When the literature is reviewed, the studies during which the views of teachers as to the educational curriculum are received are often seen. As the result of both determining the domains of the current curriculum that are incomplete or left unfinished and the rapid changes and developments experienced in information and educational technologies of our age, The Board of Education and Discipline planned to change the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in the year 2015 and presented it in the form of an design to the views of academicians, teachers and all the partners of the program for evaluation, as the result of which the program in question was also prepared under the influence of the feedbacks that reached the Board. In this study, a comparative evaluation of the re-arranged Curriculum of Turkish Courses was performed in accordance with 2006 Curriculum. Objective of the Study In this research, it was aimed that a general evaluation of the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in 2006 along with the Curriculum of 2015 be performed comparatively. During the evaluation, the changing aspects of 2015 curriculum compared to the former one were tried to be dealt with. Method This research carried out for the purpose of determining the changing aspects of 2015 Curriculum of Turkish Courses in comparison with the former program was performed through one of the qualitative research methods referred to as the document analysis.The obtained data were grouped and dealt with in a descriptive manner, and the changes determined were presented in the form of tables. Separately, the findings determined were evaluated by using the categorical analysis technique which represents, in the form of certain headings, the classification of the concepts obtained through the content analysis techniques that were used in textual practices (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2008: 228).The Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in the year 2006 was arranged on the level of secondary school 6th-8th Grades. The Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in the year 2015, however, was prepared in the way that it would involve all the classes, from 1th Grade to 8th Grade, in primary and secondary schools. In this study, the secondary school part of the curriculum prepared in 2015 was analyzed. In this respect, the study was limited to analyzing only the secondary school part of 2006 Curriculum of Turkish Courses including 6-8th Grades and 2015 Curriculum of Turkish Courses including 1-8th Grades. RESULT Educational programs (curriculums) for Turkish Courses have been prepared from the time of the Proclamation of the Republic until today, and these arranged curriculums have been presented to the service of the educational community up to the present, sometimes by being totally re-written and sometimes through performing various changes within the program. Since Turkish educational programs have a mentoring characteristic that determine the functioning of the Turkish courses and shape the educational and training practices of the lesson involved, it is of utmost importance that they are updated and capable of meeting the requirements of the age. No vision about the program was mentioned within the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in 2006. Since vision generally draws the line required to be achieved through the curriculum, including the vision required within the program by specifying what this vision will be will make it easy to build it on a more solid ground. Some vision was specified in 2015 Curriculum of Turkish Courses, and the specified vision was clearly described within the text of the curriculum. With this program, the best point required to be formed within the context of the Turkish Course was, hence, clearly demonstrated in this way. The vision in question allowed the curriculum to be built on more solid grounds. When 2006 curriculum is reviewed as the basic approach, it is seen that it was prepared in line with the constructive approach, attracting attention by providing the leading role as a guide for the teacher and also providing a role to the student in their learning experiences. With student-centered and activity-based characteristics providing a great deal of acquisition, this curriculum eliminated the flaws and lacks of the previous ones by being prepared on a dimension that would meet the requirements of the age. 2015 Curriculum of Turkish Courses, on the other hand, minimized the number of acquisitions in contrast with the complex structure of 2006 curriculum that provided a great deal of acquisition and was prepared through an approach method taking more skills as the basis of the program. Educational tools and devices, educational practices and software, which are the end products of technology, have entered the educational environments in today’s world where science and information technologies are rapidly advancing. It is clearly seen that 2006 curriculum had been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the age; yet, it began to fall behind the rapid change experienced in the world of education. Today, as the result of performing courses and even examinations in a virtual environment, multi-media resources have become the acquisitions of the Turkish Courses along with the introduction of 2015 curriculum. The introduction of smart boards (interactive) into the educational environment, the popularization of ebooks and performing distance education in various virtual environments suggest that 2015 curriculum is approached with the dimension of meeting the requirements of the age. Today various changes are taking place in the learning and teaching styles of people. The reasons for such changes can be found in several developments that occur in educational technologies and in the developments performed to advance the quality and quantity of the learning process. Some of the practices and contents included in the visual and written press (mass media) cause several changes in the learning perceptions of people. Changes have been taking place in perceptions towards learning and teaching the information. These ongoing changes, undoubtedly, lead educational philosophies to consider the educational programs from this perspective, as well. Today the emergence of the concepts, such as electronic literacy, made it mandatory for such dimensions to be taught within the educational curriculums, as well. Teachers are now giving homework to their students through the interactive educational portals. The Ministry of National Education has also started to popularize such practices. The Ministry offers various educational practices to teachers and students through the educational portal referred to as Eba. It is likely that some part of the educational activities be performed over this system in the near future. Such practices have also led to several changes in the learning philosophies of individuals. From this perspective, we can say that 2015 program has eliminated the problems likely to impede the education provided in 2006 curriculum and has developed and updated 2006 curriculum, as well. Today there are complaints as to the fact that students have problems in producing texts based on thought, and it is also stated that students fail to express their own thoughts and views effectively on any subject, either verbally or in written form, and that they produce or create insufficient products in terms of textual quality. Among the objectives of 2015 curriculum is the acquisition of students’ expressing their emotions, thoughts or arguments in an effective way. The program, with this aspect, has specified a more absolute, intense and apprehensible objective for the domain where there is the sense of lack. When the learning domains of the curriculums are reviewed, it is seen that the learning domains of 2006 curriculum were arranged as following-watching, speaking, writing and grammar. Acquisitions belonging to each learning domain were specified and given within the curriculum. Grammar learning domain was dealt with purely as a heading. The vastness of learning domains has made the structure of the curriculum a little complicated. Learning domains also caused the number of acquisitions to multiply. 2015 curriculum, however, gathered the learning domains basically under 3 main headings. Minimizing the learning domains also minimized acquisitions, which eliminated the complexity of the curriculum. The learning domains like speaking and listening were recollected under the name of verbal communication, which has, indeed, been a quite appropriate and rightful practice since we remember only a little of what we hear. When one also speaks out what he hears, then a more effective learning process will take place. Gathering these two domains supporting one another under a single heading has been really convenient in this respect. Grammar learning domain was no more a pure heading on its own but was scattered among the reading and writing domains. Therefore, the negative attitudes developed by students as to grammar learning domain were tried to be avoided. All these changes have been the conspicuous characteristics of 2015 Curriculum of Turkish Courses in terms of their comprehensible and applicable aspects. Separately, in 2015 curriculum, listing the techniques expressed to be used in making students comprehend some acquisitions in the learning domain of verbal communication has been a restrictive method for this curriculum. If contrary strategies had been specified and if the selection of methods and techniques had been made by teachers, it would have been quite a rightful practice in terms of the flexibility of the curriculum. From this perspective, we can state that the curriculum is far from being flexible. Educational programs should be flexible with their various aspects. The flexibility of curriculums according to the characteristics of the school, teachers and students in terms of selecting methods and techniques are of great importance for the applicability of the program. There is a total of 16 main themes within the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in 2006. Some of the themes within the curriculum were compulsory, and 6 themes on each class level were proposed to be performed. Some flexibility was provided, however, in performing the other themes, which, on the other hand, resulted in leaving some of those mentioned flexible themes included within the curriculum undone. However, in the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in 2015, 8 main themes were specified, and it was clearly explained on which class level they were to be taught. No matter how positive this situation may seem, it still narrowed the range in the theme distribution of the program and eliminated the theme selection flexibility to be performed by the teacher who would determine the theme according to the cultural and academic level of the class. In this respect, we can say that 2015 curriculum has lost its flexibility on a considerable degree when compared with 2006 curriculum in terms of the theme distribution of the program. In other words, we can state that the number of selections in 2015 curriculum is rather few compared to that of 2006 curriculum, and the obligation level in 2015 curriculum is rather high. When the Curriculum of Turkish Courses prepared in 2015 is reviewed in terms of acquisitions, the number of acquisitions compared to 2006 curriculum have been minimized a great deal. The decrease in some of the acquisitions results from the combination of the learning domains under 3 main headings. However, in a general sense, 2015 curriculum was recovered from the complexity of 2006 curriculum, and it was prepared through a clearer and easily comprehensible system. In conclusion, it can be expressed that 2015 curriculum has met the requirements of the age, that it made the Turkish educational program more simple and comprehensible and shifted towards a more skill-based understanding instead of further information transfer by minimizing the number of acquisitions. Yet, introducing all the aspects of the new curriculum to the teachers who are the practitioners of the program very well and getting them to comprehend the differences of the new curriculum in detail will be of great use in terms of implementing the curriculum in a healthier and more efficient way.


Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem