Bireyler birbirleriyle yazılı ve sözlü olarak iletişimde bulunurlar. Yazılı bir metnin en temel amacı; okuyucuyla bilgileri paylaşmak, karşı tarafa duygu ve düşüncelerini aktararak iletişim kurmaya çalışmaktır. Yazılı metin aracılığıyla, alıcıyla etkili bir iletişim kurulabilmesi ve alıcının mesajı doğru bir şekilde algılayabilmesi için metinde yer alan ifadelerin bağdaşıklık ölçütlerini göz önünde bulundurmak gerekir. Metinde konu bütünlüğünün sağlanması, dil becerilerini doğru bir biçimde anlamak ve kullanmakla mümkündür. Avrupa dil kriterlerine göre; dillerin A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 ve C2 seviyelerinde öğrenim aşamaları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Slav dillerine mensup olan ve yabancı dil olarak Türkçeyi C1 seviyesinde öğrenmiş, üniversitede Türkoloji bölümünde eğitim görmekte olan öğrencilerin yazılı anlatımlarında bağdaşıklık ölçütlerini kullanma durumlarını incelemektir. Ayrıca bu araçları genel kullanım sıklıklarına göre sıralamaktır. Çeşitli ülkelerde bulunan üniversite öğrencilerinin 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 ve 2014 yıllarında Türkçe Olimpiyatları'na katılmak amacıyla yazmış oldukları toplamda 28 deneme üzerinde inceleme yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla denemeler, çalışmanın kapsam ve sınırlılıklarında belirtilmiş olan bağdaşıklık unsurlarına göre incelenmiştir. Öğrencilerin bağdaşıklık araçlarını kullanma sıklıkları Excel programından elde edilen yüzdelik değerlerle belirtilmiştir. Bu sıralamaya göre; en çok kullanılan bağdaşıklık aracı %40 oranla gönderim ögeleri, ikincisi %37 kullanım oranıyla bağlama ögeleri, üçüncüsü %14 kullanım oranıyla eksiltili yapılar, dördüncüsü %9 kullanım oranıyla değiştirimdir. Bağdaşıklık araçlarından kelime bağdaşıklığı başlı başına detaylı bir çalışma gerektirdiğinden bu çalışmanın kapsamı dışında tutulmuştur


Individuals communicate orally and in written form with each other. The main purpose of a written text; is to share information with reader and try to communicate by transferring their thoughts and feelings. Through written text, it needs to consider the expression in the text coherence and cohesion criteria in order to establish an effective communication with recepient and detect the message correctly. In order to ensure the integrity of the subject in the text, it is possible by understanding and using the language skills correctly. According to the European languages cirteria, all languages have stages in the level of education as A1, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of circumstances of cohesion criteria in written expressions of university students who, study Turcology, belong to the Slavic language family and learned Turkish as a foreign language level C1. Furthermore, these tools are ordered according to their usage sequences. An analysis was performed on 28 essays of university students, from different countries, whose goal was to join the Turkish Olympics in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. With this purpose, essays were examined in respect of cohesion factors considering scope and limitations of this study. The usage frequency of cohesion instruments are indicated by the percentage value obtained from the Excel program. According to the sequence; the most widely used cohesion tool 40% transmission elements, the latter elements linking the utilization rate of 37%, the third rate structures with the use of elliptical structures 14%, the fourth modification change in the utilization rate of 9%. Coherence of the word itself requires a detailed study. That is why, it has been excluded from the scope of this study Language is described as a functional tool. Communication is considered the most important function of language. The most common types of communication come in verbal and written forms. Be it in verbal or written forms, communication is seen as a necessary device to transfer an individual’s thoughts and feeling to other parties. Forming the basis of the language studies in the history of languages, the need to communicate has been expanded towards other cultures, societies and geographical regions. Communication has become the latest requirement of today's globalized world. The only way to establish the culture of living together and to make it sustainable is being able to communicate effectively. The need to communicate is the fundamental rationale of foreign language teaching and learning. The teaching of foreign languages has emerged due to this necessity. Writing skills are as much needed for an individual to express himself as speaking skill in a foreign language. As use of speaking skills in the target language becomes insufficient for communication soon, writing skills should also be improved. As a result of individual student differences, it is absolutely necessary especially for those introvert students who like individual activities to improve writing skills. In order to gain students the writing skills in a complete and accurate way, it is important to improve the skill of essay writing along with the teaching rules of grammar. The main purpose of a written text is to share information with the reader and to try to establish communication by conveying one’s feelings and thoughts to the other party. It is necessary to consider the criteria of coherence in the text in order to establish an effective communication and convey the correct message to the other party through written text. Maintaining the unity of the text is only possible through understanding and using language skills properly. Language skills are based on the art of understanding and communicating in the target language. Writing skills are also important for a person to be able to express his intentions. According to the European language criteria, language proficiency is staged in A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 levels. At A1 level, students can write some paragraphs about themselves in basic subjects. At A2 level, students can write about their life stories and introduce their families in simple words. At B1 level, they can recount their experiences or certain incidents. Moreover, they can also understand certain texts related to their interests and likes, and they can write small compositions in related subjects. At B2 level, they can express their personal opinions about not only related topics but also various unrelated subjects. They can understand the main ideas of the texts in concrete subjects as well as those about abstract issues. At C1 level, students can understand long complicated texts, and metaphors in that language. They can easily use the language in daily life as well as academic studies. The main focus of this study is to explore the use of coherence markers in the written texts by students at Turkish departments of universities, whose native languages are Slavic and who have learned Turkish at C1 level. Moreover, the study aims to order these coherence devices in terms of frequency of use. 28 essays written by university students from different countries in order to participate in the Turkish Language Olympiads in the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 were considered. The essays were analyzed in accordance with the elements of coherence as mentioned in the scope and limitations of the study. Frequencies of students’ use of coherence tools are indicated in percentage values obtained by Microsoft Excel software. The findings show that the most used tool is elements of reference by %40, the second is linking devices by %37, the third is reduced structures by %14, and the fourth is substitution by %9. The most used references are personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and demonstrative adjectives. The least used ones are reflexive and relative pronouns. The most used linking devices are those that indicate cause and effect, opposition and additional information. The least used ones are those that indicate difference and condition. The most used reduced structures are shared subject and affixes. The least used one is sentence reduction. The element of substitution is rarely used. The type of substitution with the highest percentage is the one based on nouns. Those based on the sentence and verb are less frequently used with similar percentages. The frequency of use of references as a coherence tool is 80 per essay that of linking devices is 75 per essay, that of reduced structures is 26 per essay, and that of substitution is 18 per essay. Vocabulary coherence requires a more detailed study, so it is excluded from the scope of this study. Developing writing skills in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language should cover more than just correcting spelling and punctuation errors and more comprehensively aim to improve the essay writing skills of students. The most efficient way to do this is to offer plenty of practice for the development of writing skills
