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Akut apandisit ve Meckel divertiküliti birlikteliği: olgu sunumu

Özet Çalışmamızda klinik tanısı akut apandisit olan ameliyatta tabloya eşlik eden Meckel divertiküliti saptanan olgu sunulmuştur Ameliyat edilen 11 yaşındaki erkek hastada akut apandisite eşlik eden Meckel divertiküliti saptandı Akut apandisite Meckel divertikülitinin eşlik etmesi çok ender nbsp; olsa da bu olgularda Meckel divertikülitinin gözden kaçması ciddi sorunlara neden olabilir Türk Ped Arş 2010; 45: 371 2 Anahtar sözcükler: Apandisit çocuk nbsp; Meckel divertiküliti


Malpractice has gained an alarming dimension especially along with the introduction of compulsory professional liability insurance On the other hand it is quite difficult to say that malpractice is discussed by considering all responsible determinants According to individual focused approach the error is caused by single individual so the solution can be achieved by punishing the individual It is known that this approach does not reduce errors and adversely affect services due to high compensations and increased insurance premiums In Turkey malpractice is simply considered in the customer seller relationship context and individual focused approach is adopted However it is well established that this ldquo;blame culture rdquo; has negative effects on service provided social perception of the profession and job satisfaction Beside recognizing individual professional responsibilities basically it should be stressed that declaring healthcare workers as mainly responsible would not be fair In addition it violates right to health because of increasing the preventable errors and harms Turk Arch Ped 2011; 46: 6 11



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