Dede Korkut Kitabı’nda Baba, Oğul ve Baba-Oğul İlişkisi

Türk toplumunun medenî tekamülü hakkında tespitlerde bulunan araştırmacılar toplumun temel yapısını oluşturan ailenin merkezinde ‘baba’nın bulunduğunu ifade etmektedirler. Ataerkil olarak ifade edilen baba riyasetindeki aile, dolayısıyla ailelerin bir araya gelmesiyle oluşan toplum, ataerkil dönemi yaşamadan önce anaerkil dönemi yaşamış ve kendi modornitesi içinde tekamül ederek ataerkil dönemine geçmiştir. Bu sosyal yapı Türk destanlarına da aksetmiş, baba ailenin merkezinde yerini almıştır. Dolayısıyla birinci derecede ailenin varlığını sürdürmesi, koruması,aile bireylerinin eğitimi gibi hayatın her alanında birinci derecede fonksiyona sahip olmuştur. Ataerkil toplum yapısında ailenin, dolayısıyla toplumun devamlılığı da erkek evlat/oğul vasıtasıyla sağlanmaktadır. Aile ve toplum organizasyonunda erkek-kadın eşitliği söz konusu olsa bile merkezde babanın olması, babadan sonra erkek evladın/oğulun olmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Destanlarda ve Dede Korkut Kitabı’nda aile, sosyal yapının merkezinde bulunan baba ve oğul ilişkisi üzerinde önemle durulmaktadır. Erkek evladın olması, birinci derecede neslin devamı, iktidarın ‘Kut’ sahibi ailenin elinde bulundurulması için önemlidir. Bu öneme binaen erkek evladın yetiştirilmesi, bilgilendirilmesi, bilinçlendirilmesi, eğitilmesi gerekir. Birey-milletin varoluşunu sağlayan kültürel değerlerin aktarımı devletin devamlılığının da gereğidir

Father, Son and Father-Son Relation in the Book of Dede Korkut

Researches making observations on the socio-cultural evaluation of Turkish socieResearches making observations on the socio-cultural evaluation of Turkish socieResearches making observations on the socio-cultural evaluation of Turkish society state that family form the basic structure of the society and “father” constity state that family form the basic structure of the society and “father” constity state that family form the basic structure of the society and “father” constitutes the core of the family. The patriarchal family, led by the father, and so thetutes the core of the family. The patriarchal family, led by the father, and so thetutes the core of the family. The patriarchal family, led by the father, and so thesociety, formed by gathering of the families, have priorly gone through the masociety, formed by gathering of the families, have priorly gone through the masociety, formed by gathering of the families, have priorly gone through the matriarchal period and ended up with patriarchal period after evolving within its owntriarchal period and ended up with patriarchal period after evolving within its owntriarchal period and ended up with patriarchal period after evolving within its ownmodernity. This social structure reflected on Turkish epics and father took hismodernity. This social structure reflected on Turkish epics and father took hismodernity. This social structure reflected on Turkish epics and father took hisplace at the core of the family. Hence family’s struggle to survive, its protection,place at the core of the family. Hence family’s struggle to survive, its protection,place at the core of the family. Hence family’s struggle to survive, its protection,education of its members had a vital importance in every sphere of daily life. Ineducation of its members had a vital importance in every sphere of daily life. Ineducation of its members had a vital importance in every sphere of daily life. Inpatriarchal social structures continuity of family is provided by existence of apatriarchal social structures continuity of family is provided by existence of apatriarchal social structures continuity of family is provided by existence of a“son”. Even if equality of woman and man is accepted in the organizations of“son”. Even if equality of woman and man is accepted in the organizations of“son”. Even if equality of woman and man is accepted in the organizations offamily and society, due to the fact that father is placed at the center of the orfamily and society, due to the fact that father is placed at the center of the orfamily and society, due to the fact that father is placed at the center of the organizations, existence of a son is highly required. Relation between father andganizations, existence of a son is highly required. Relation between father andganizations, existence of a son is highly required. Relation between father andson that is placed at the center of the family and social structure is constantlymentioned in the Book of Dede Korkut and the epics. Existence of a son is vitalfirstly for the continuity of the generation and keeping the power in the hands ofthe “Noble” family. Therefore, rising a son, informing him, raising his awarenessand educating him is necessarily required. Transferring cultural values providingthe entity of people-nation also provide the continuity of the state