El Dokumacılığının ve El Dokuma Tezgahının Tarihçesi, El Dokuma Tezgahı Çeşitleri

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Anadolu, Çin

The History of Hand-Weaving, Hand-Weave Loom, Kinds of Hand-Weave Loom

Looms and loom materials, which are used in wovens, are changed for a long time In 1962, digging was made in that BC 6000's, Anatolia was disputed in this subject. These take us to pre-historic ages. So, it must be essential to say woven beginning is the same with thread finding. It is understood that the most basic woven were made by marshy-places rush, flowering rush, bulrush and the longest horsehair. After the wool usage, weaving became developed. In this period, people make thread with spinning. Only after this, the weaving sector developed regularly. Primary human beings put a horizontal thick stick on two fork-shape thick sticks. They hanged warp-rope to it and tied big-heavy stones to each rope's ends. With the help of each other, they cross the weft-rope and they found basic weaving we say plain weave. Later, the idea which the warp- ropes weren't lifted one by one, they were lifted together in an order was developed; horizontal looms are on the 3rd order. These kinds of looms were formed by branch using instead of stones. Nowadays, hand-weaving looms are used at homes in developing countries. And also, some valuable and special waving products are weaved in handlooms.

Anatolia, China,


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