Metafizik Alanda Sörf ya da Mecaz ve Semboller Üzerinden Anlamlandırma: Bir Anlatım Yöntemi Olarak Metafor The Surfing on Metaphysical Sphere or an Interpreta-tion via Abstract Concept and Symbols: Metaphor as an Explanation Method

The Surfing on Metaphysical Sphere or an Interpretation via Abstract Concept and Symbols: Metaphor as an Explanation Method

Milel ve Nihal

2012-Cilt: 9 - Sayı: 1


Metafor, alegori, istiâre, istibdâl, mesel, mecaz, tefsir, te’vil, sembol, simge, amblem, mit, şiar, esatir.

Metaphor, allegory, istiare, istibdal, parable, interpretation, tevil, symbol, sign, emblem, myth, esatir