Action Oriented Method And Educational Software As Foreign Language Learning Tools And Materials

Today, increasing communication among people from various countries of the world, the development of information and communication technologies and widespread use of internet increase not only the need of foreign language learning, but also bring up different teaching and learning strategies, methods, techniques, tools and materials to the agenda. By 2000s, a new method called Action-oriented method especially beginning to be widely used in Europe has emerged for foreign language/ teaching. The main objective of this method is to be able to use the foreign language in social environments such as school, daily life and work life. This method in question foresees the integration of information and communication technologies to foreign language education. No longer just a textbook, such as audio or video recordings made for training purposes using traditional tools and materials is enough to sustain the foreign language education so today benefiting from the multimedia approach in teaching and learning tools and materials are adopted. In this study, our aim is to investigate the software which has an indispensable importance of foreign language study and evaluate the software named francaisfacile as an example. The effect of success using information and communication technology-based tools and materials in foreign language education issue has been studied. The drastic change in the Internet, which provides an important tool in terms of educational software known as "education without walls''  provides to sustain  the teaching and learning activities without being bound to any venue. Through distance education is now provided by the Internet, it is not obliged to teach and learn at the same venue. Induction courses, tasks, activities and exercises can be carried out without any time limitation..


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