Kosova'da Murad Hüdavendigâr türbesi ve ek yapıları

Murat Hüdavendigâr tomb and outbuildings in Kosovo

Murat Hüdavendigâr [Murat I], who was stabbed by Milos Kobilovic while touring the battlefield of Kosovo War , who hid behind the corpses, is the only Ottoman sultan having a tomb abroad. Dead body of the Hüdavendigâr, of whom the inner organs were buried at the place he was martyred, was taken to Bursa and entombed in Çekirge together with the corpse of Yâkub Bey who was executed by his brother Yıldırım Bayezıd [Bayezıd I]. His tomb in Kosovo located at the place of his death is known as “Hüdâvendigâr Mashhad”which is an important visiting center. Location and architecture of the tomb and the outbuildings of Murat Hüdavendigâr, the third Ottoman sultan, demanded a detailed research because of its place in Turkish political history. The noteworthy and international dimensions of the subject have urged local and global researchers to prepare various articles about the topic since very long time. However, this article needs attention since it reveals the unknown facts about the renovation documents, dating back to 1906-1907, including some information related to the tomb’s outbuildings, architectural characteristics and the location of tomb and outbuildings, formerly unmentioned by researchers. In this article, firstly, documents that exist in the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives appertaining renovation of Kosovo Murat Hüdavendigâr Tomb and outbuildings are presented chronologically in detail by referring to the costs, processes of the renovations and the name of contributors. While renovations between 1906-1907 are separately handled, the projects and photographs of the hitherto neglected outbuildings are examined. The documents notify to take precaution for protection of the tomb after the 1907 period, in order to prevent the destructive consequences of the Balkan Wars. The article also evaluates the position of tomb architecture in the early period of the Ottoman by making comparison of other sultan’s tombs’ architectural features constructed in the same period with Kosova Murad Hüdavendigâr tomb. Although the news in Turkish newspapers about the destruction of the tomb, by Yugoslavian government was disclaimed in 1952, it is presumed that destruction should have been carried out in outbuildings. Some of the nonextant outbuildings of tomb not only did not occupy the agenda of Turkey in 1950s, but also did not attract the attention of researchers. The Tomb and the Selamlık buildings survived solely within the outbuildings in question and it is detected that reconstruction of the house of caretaker in 2005 was not prosecuted in correspondence with location and form deciphered through the plans belonged to 1907. Thence, the void of the unknowns about the Murat Hüdavendigâr Tomb and evaluation of the architectural characteristics of outbuildings are considered as the subject matter of this article in order to contribute to attainment of an integrated perception of the architecture of the tomb complex.


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