Okuma Becerisinin Geliştirilmesine Hermeneutik Bakış Açısı

It is a known fact that the individual has come to the world to observe, interpret and try to understand nature and its surroundings. This process of interpretation and interpretation has an important place in the life of the individual. Thus, the process of making meaning has entered into the field of scientific investigation and has provided the emergence of the hermeneutic methodology. It is known that Hermeneutic is also associated with mother tongue education. Because dialogues are important factors in the process of comprehension. Gadamer (2008) proposed the Theory of Fusion of Horizons about the process of understanding and interpreting from these dialogues. "Horizons" (horizons) reflect the point of view of the individual. It can be said that the interaction with others is to cross your traditions with their traditions. Explanations abaout hermeneutic show that it is not a new concept, it corresponds to different meanings in the historical process, it is an interpretation trying to understand the meaning, it is a method which is being used in reading education in the future. In this regard, it is determined that there is a deficiency in the literature. It is thought that this study, which will be done about hermeneutic reading, will bring a different point of view to literature and will make a shortage.The aim of research is to make use of hermeneutic in the development of reading skills. However, the reader and the text relation in the reading education have been tried to be analyzed in the context of the Fusion of Horizons. The research was designed with phenomenology from qualitative research designs. The content of the work was related to the interpretation, so the phenomenology was done with the "hermeneutic" type. A total of 5 students were selected to study in the first semester of the Turkish Language Education Department of the Faculty of Education of a state university by criterion sampling technique; but because one of the girl students was uncomfortable and could not continue to work, the study was conducted with 4 students. Three of the participants were born in Germany and continued to study there until they graduated from university. Another student was born in Turkey and have received primary education in Turkey; but later moved to Canada with his family. All participants came to Turkey for university education. Semi-structured interview form and semi-structured observation form were used as data collection tool. Two lesson hours per week were administered. The data obtained from semi-structured observation and interview forms were analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. The reason for the choice of the descriptive analysis technique is to report the implementation process in a gradual and understandable way. Another reason for the selection of descriptive analysis is the desire to adhere to the nature of phenomenology. That is to say, the emphasis should be placed on the expressions of the participants, not the analysis process or the data.Looking at the first interpretations of texts in general, it is seen that  EÖ1 has a more concrete explanation of texts than the other students. This is thought to be due to her being in high school during her high school education in a classroom of 9, in an intimate classroom environment, with every detail being handled in detail, and being more lenient in literary situations because she studied in a verbal class. In the interpretations of KÖ1 and EÖ2, it is seen that they are generally dependent on the text, interpreted text at certain boundaries and have a normative structure. The KÖ2 tried to approach different points in his interpretations because of his confidence. Looking at the post-implementation interviews, participants emphasized that the previous knowledge of text understanding and interpretation alone were not sufficient. They also pointed to the importance of the historical process and group discussions needed to understand the text. Participants were sometimes mistaken for texts. In their last interviews with them, they also stated that their initial interpretation was inadequate and that the text was not sufficient in terms of meaning. In the questions asked about the key concepts in the texts, it was seen that the comments of the participants were limited to sentence and word analysis. Because the students are trying to understand the text with the previous knowledge of consisting only of individual and social experiences. During the exercises, it was seen that the discussions of participants among themselves had a positive influence on the process of textual interpretation. Thanks to these discussions, participants, as well as the known characteristics of the text, the author and the turnover, have made a significant contribution to making sense of their own ideas. 


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