Gelir Dağılımının Tasarruflar Üzerindeki Etkisi: Hanehalkı Düzeyinde Bir Araştırma

The relationship between saving and income distribution in in the centre of Neo-Keynesian growth models such as Lewis(1954), Kaldor(1957), Pasinetti(1962). These authors mostly focus on functional distribution of income (to the distribution among classes such as workers and capitalists) and state that income distribution is very important factor of savings. Such theories also claim that income inequalities have directly positive impact on savings because according to them, consumption tendency of working class is stronger than saving tendency of bourgeoisie.  For example, Lewis(1954) points out that main problem of economic development is positive correlation between income distribution and saving. Also, he states that only entrepreneurs earning profit can save in society and while the number of entrepreneur is increasing, total saving and investment is also increased, thereby accelerating capital stock and growth. Like Lewis, Kaldor assumes that working class spends all earnings, which means zero saving tendency, however, saving tendency of investors is high. Because of the fact that investors marginal saving rate is higher than that of working class, investors’ profit rate should be higher to increase savings. Therefore, an improvement in price level is necessary. On the other hand, Pasinetti (1962) says that capitalist class is the only investor in society and only earns profit. However, working class obtains profit and salary. Compared to Kaldor’s model, this model argues that the saving tendency of working class is not zero but very low and only factor that affects the saving tendency of working class is the distribution of national income among different classes such as working class and capitalists. In this model, income inequality will be deteriorated on behalf of capitalist class, which has higher saving rate than working class. Latest researches related to political economics put forwards that income inequality has negative impacts on total savings by means of investment and economic growth. There is a high demand for redistribution and taxation in societies that have high income disparity. High taxation results in decreasing income from investments. This is because the amount of investments under high taxation will also decrease. Additionally, social unrest and political instability in societies cause a decrease in investments and productivity, thereby reducing saving rate. As a result, although theoretical literature admits that the income distribution affects aggregate saving amount, there is no consensus about the relation between these two variables. It is also same for empirical studies. In this study, the relation between income distribution and saving amount has been analyzed for households in Tokat. Considering the households savings constitutes important part of aggregate savings, saving propensity would be detected according to occupation type of households with this study. Besides, determinant factors of saving characteristics (saving motivation, saving tool preference etc.) and attitudes of households would be revealed. In accordance with this purpose, research data is compiled through the survey based on one-to-one interviews with 430 households living in Tokat city center via simple random sampling method in between 1st of May and 1st July 2016. The data is analyzed via frequency and binary logistic regression through SPSS Program. According to results, approximately 60% of households are able to save while 40% is not able or do not prefer to save. As a major reason of not being able to save, households pointed out indebtedness. Households who are able to save have pointed out that house or car demand (51%), wealth outlook and education of children (41%), higher life standard in the future (35%) and being cautious to contingency (32%) are the major saving determinants. In terms of saving tools, under-the mattress gold saving and demand deposits are major saving tools. Thus it can be said that traditional saving tools are dominant. Logistic regression analysis findings indicate that one unit increase in income may cause 1.621 fold increase in saving amount. In this study, the income level is found as an important factor that increases savings in line with the economic literature. Household’s high school and college graduation increase saving probability. Similarly, government employees and company owners are more likely to save than other occupation types while probability of having a child decreases saving propensity. Obtained results will guide saving policies as well as contribute to knowledge in this field.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Tasarruf, Gelir Dağılımı, Tokat


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