Anahtar Kelimeler:

Scheuermann hastalığı

Scheuermann’s Disease: A Case Report

Scheuermann’s disease is a common disorder of the adolescent (5-8 %) which may result in spinal pain and cosmetic deformity and predispose to thorasic disc herniation and premature degenerative changes. The aetiol-ogy is unknown but may include a familial predisposition and possibly local osteochondritis. Symptoms like fatigue, pain, local tenderness become at puberty. Many of the patients are unaware that they have a deformity or kyphosis and are diagnosed by routine lateral chest radiographs. The most affected spinal regions are the mid or lower thoracic vertebrae and there are no other laboratory findings. Therapy depends on the degree of the deformity and on the patient’s age. Analgesics, rehabilitation exercises, operations for stabilisation with a Milwauke brace or Harrington instruments may be tried. We present a patient with Scheuermann’s disease with its clinic and radiologic findings.


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