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The book known as "The Utterances Employed in Logic" belonging to al-Fârâbî has a wide influence over the philosophers of both Islamic and Christian schools. It is a logico-linguistical investigation. The main purpose discussed throughout the book is formal possibilities of Arabic linguistics for the art of correct thinking. In this book al-Fârâbî has separated the utterances into the meaningful words alone and the prepositions, as Albert of Saxony would cite it in different terms in the century. al-Fârâbî has focused on logical functions of the prepositions. Thus he has had formal tools to test validity of the thoughts through the logico-linguistic point of view. This point of view has another importance in the history of thought as well. The book is a part of the methodological tradition developed during the IX.-XVIII. th centuries in Islamic thought. "The Utterances" is an important key to investigate the literature of logico-methodological history of Islamic thought. So, I have taken up some general remarks and studying strategies on Islamic (Arabic) Logic whose are reponsible for understandibility of the books like "The Utterances"; then I have attempted to draw up historical framework of the book in 1-30 pages before the translation section.


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