Farelerde 3-Metilkolantren ile indüklenen fibrosarkoma üzerine sisteaminin etkileri: Genotoksisitenin araştırılması

Bu çalışmada, fare kemik iliği hücrelerinde 3-Metilkolantrenin genotoksisitesine karşı sisteaminin etkisi araştırıldı. Deneyde beyaz erkek fareler (Mus musculus albino) kullanıldı. Fareler her grupta 15 adet olacak şekilde beş gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grup negatif kontrol grubu olarak tutuldu. İkinci gruba susam yağı (0.2 ml, deri altı), üçüncü gruba sisteamin (%0.1 suda oral ad libitum), dördüncü gruba 3-Metilkolantren (1 mg 3-Metilkolantren/0.2 ml susam yağı çözeltisinden 0.2 ml deri altı yolla), beşinci gruba 3-Metilkolantren (1 mg 3-Metilkolantren/0.2 ml susam yağı çözeltisinden 0.2 ml deri altı yolla) ve sisteamin (%0.1 oranında suda hazırlanmış sisteamin çözeltisinden oral yolla ad libitum olarak verildi. Bütün gruplardaki hayvanlar 4 ay sonra eter anestezisi eşliğinde servikal dislokasyonla ötanazi edildi. Her gruptan 8 adet farenin femur kemik iliği hücrelerinde mitotik aktivite ile mikronükleus testi kullanılarak genotoksik ve sitotoksik etkiler belirlendi. 3-Metilkolantren’in mikronükleuslu polikromatik eritrositlerin sayılarında çoğalma ve kemik iliği hücrelerinde sitotoksik etki meydana getirdiği tespit edildi. Ayrıca mitotik aktiviteyi düşürdüğü gözlendi. Bu etkiler istatistiksel açıdan önemli bulundu (P

The effects of cysteamine on the mice with the 3-Methylcholanthrene and induced fibrosarcoma: Investigation of the genotoxicity

In this study, the effect of cysteamine against the genotoxicity of 3 Methylcholanthrene&#8217;s in the cell of mouse bone marrow was examined. In the experiment total of 75 white male mice were used. They were split into 5 groups. First group was kept as negative control group. Sesame oil to the second group (0.2 ml, subcutaneous), cysteamine to the third group (oral ad libitum 0.1% in water), 3-Methylcholanthrene to the forth group (1 mg 3- Methylcholanthrene /0.2 ml from the sesame oil solution 0.2 ml, subcutaneously) and cysteamine (ad libitum via oral route from the solution of cysteamine that was prepared in water at the rate of 0.1%) was given. Four months later animals in all groups were euthanasied with cervical dislocation (with ether anesthesia). Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects were defined by using mitotic activty and micronucleus in the cells of femur bone marrow of 8 mice from each group. It was determined that 3- Methylcholanthrene has brought about reproduction in the numbers of micronucleus polychromatic erythrocytes and cytotoxic effects in the cells of bone marrow. Furthermore, it was observed that it has slow down the mitotic activity. These effects were statistically considered as significant (P<0.01). On the other hand it was determined that the cysteamine did not has an genotoxic and cytotoxic effect. It was observed that when cysteamine used with 3- Methylcholanthrene caused to fall in the numbers of micronucleus polychromatic erythrocytes and upregulation in mitotic activity in comparison with 3- Methylcholanthrene that was given by itself. In the end of the study, it was observed that cysteamine had protective effect against the genotoxicity induced with 3- Methylcholanthrene on the mice.


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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-6045
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1995
  • Yayıncı: Kafkas Üniv. Veteriner Fak.
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