Selahaddin'in Gözünden Beytülmakdis: Kudüs'ün Haçlılardan Kurtarılmasının Eleştirel Analitik Bir Okuması


Nearly a century after the brutal, and unforgiving, Crusader conquest of Islamicjerusalem, Sultan Salah al-Din succeeded in 1187CE in liberating the city. This seemingly insurmountable feat was accomplished when Salah al-Din succeeded in unifying the diverse racial, ethnic and denominational Muslims into a single, coherent fighting force - under his capable leadership. Consequently, this paper explores the nature of Salah al-Din's headship and the precise strategies he used in team-building, team-management that proved essential in his bid to restore the holy city to the Muslims. Moreover, this paper will examine the striking magnanimity Salah al-Din displayed towards the Christians, and others, in Islamicjerusalem – including their holy sanctuaries. 


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