Trends of Graduate Theses on Media Literacy: A Content Analysis

This study aimed to find graduate theses related to the titles of ‘media literacy’ and ‘ the literacy of media’ to reveal their trends. Although media literacy implies the same meaning, it may appear in the National Thesis Center in a different way. In the study, graduate theses (145) completed in the field of media literacy between 2007 and December 2022 were analyzed. According to the results; theses on media literacy were mostly carried out in institutes of social sciences (87) and educational sciences (47); 18 theses were completed in Journalism; a significant number of doctoral theses were completed in Communication Sciences and Turkish Education; Journalism came to the fore in master degrees; a total of thirty (30) master theses on ‘media literacy’ and ‘ the literacy of media’ topics were completed in thirty (30) different disciplines.

Trends of Graduate Theses on Media Literacy: A Content Analysis

This study aimed to find graduate theses related to the titles of ‘media literacy’ and ‘ the literacy of media’ to reveal their trends. Although media literacy implies the same meaning, it may appear in the National Thesis Center in a different way. In the study, graduate theses (145) completed in the field of media literacy between 2007 and December 2022 were analyzed. According to the results; theses on media literacy were mostly carried out in institutes of social sciences (87) and educational sciences (47); 18 theses were completed in Journalism; a significant number of doctoral theses were completed in Communication Sciences and Turkish Education; Journalism came to the fore in master degrees; a total of thirty (30) master theses on ‘media literacy’ and ‘ the literacy of media’ topics were completed in thirty (30) different disciplines.


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