Mathematical Modelling: A Retrospective Overview
This study aims to comprehensively view the scientific articles published on mathematical modelling (MM) before 2023. In this context, analyzed articles published on MM with bibliometric analysis under four main headings; scientific productivity, network analysis, conceptual structure, and thematic map. The Web of Science database was used to analyze 906 articles published by 2039 authors representing 68 countries from 1981 to 2023. According to the study's findings, the articles published on MM differ yearly, but the number of citations is constantly increasing. Erbas, A. K., Schukajlow, S., and Kaiser, G. are the most productive authors. The most productive institutions are Purdue, Australian Catholic, and Hamburg Universities. According to the network analysis, the journals ZDM Mathematics Education and Educational Studies in Mathematics come to the fore. It was determined that the best size reduction obtained in the conceptual analysis constituted approximately 44% of the total variability. According to the findings obtained at the end of the research, made some suggestions.
Mathematical Modelling: A Retrospective Overview
This study aims to comprehensively view the scientific articles published on mathematical modelling (MM) before 2023. In this context, analyzed articles published on MM with bibliometric analysis under four main headings; scientific productivity, network analysis, conceptual structure, and thematic map. The Web of Science database was used to analyze 906 articles published by 2039 authors representing 68 countries from 1981 to 2023. According to the study's findings, the articles published on MM differ yearly, but the number of citations is constantly increasing. Erbas, A. K., Schukajlow, S., and Kaiser, G. are the most productive authors. The most productive institutions are Purdue, Australian Catholic, and Hamburg Universities. According to the network analysis, the journals ZDM Mathematics Education and Educational Studies in Mathematics come to the fore. It was determined that the best size reduction obtained in the conceptual analysis constituted approximately 44% of the total variability. According to the findings obtained at the end of the research, made some suggestions.
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