Is ahlaki konusu genellikle özel ve kamu sektöründeki kurulus lari ilgilend iren bir konu gib i algilanmakta ve çogu arastirmanin konusunu bu tür isletmeler ve buralarda çalisanlarinin is ahlakina ilis kin anlayis, tutum ve davranislari olusturmaktadir. Konu çok genis bir kapsamda toplumda hemen herkes i ilgilendirmekle beraber tüketici temelinde incelend iginde bazilarinin is ahlakina öne verd ikleri bazi larinin ise henüz konudan haberdar o lmadiklari anlasilmaktadir. Bu çerçevede çalismada tüketic ilerin is ahlakina bakis açilari ele alinmis ve perakende market zincirlerinden alisveris yapan tüketiciler is ahlakina iliskin anlayislari itibariyla incelenmistir. Istanbul ili sinirlari iç inde gerçeklestirilen arastirma kapsaminda 870 cevaplayici ile görüsülmüstür. Nihai degisken seti dört faktör altinda toplanarak tüketic ilerin is ahlakina iliskin tutumlarini açiklamaya yönelik b ir yaklasim saglanmistir. Tüketic ilerin is ahlakina yönelik tutumlarini tems il eden faktörler açiklanmaya çalisilmistir

Business Ethics from Consumers’ Perspective and an Empirical Research in Retail Industry

The case of business ethics is generally perceived as a case concerning the institutions in private and public sector and these types of institutions and apprehension, attitude and behavior of the employees working in related with business ethics form the topic of many researches. Besides, the case, on a large scale, concerns almost every person in society, when it is searched within the basis of the consumer, it is understood that some people have attached importance to business ethics but there are still some that have not acknowledged the case yet. In this context, consumer’s point of view is discussed throughout this research and the consumers who do shopping from retail market chains are analyzed in consideration of business ethics. In the scope of the research done in the borders of Istanbul province, 870 people who answer are interviewed. An approach orienting to exp lain the attitude of consumers towards business ethics is obtained with totalizing final variab le set under four factors. The factors representing consumers' attitudes towards business ethics are attempted to be explained


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