Perception of Innovation For the Next 25 Years: International Perspective

The fundamental purpose of this study is to analyze and comprehend the international future perception of innovation in the next 25 years by the academicians, international organizations, associations of innovation professionals. Along with the use of a semi-structured questionnaire for a sample size consists of 31 professionals from 12 countries, professionals are asked to express their perceptions about the triggers and obstacles of innovation, innovative sectors and status of human resources in future. According to the results; professionals' perception of innovative sectors intensify in medical, health, information technology and renewable energy. The respondents emphasized that qualifications of future human resources are expected to be more creative, flexible, communication based and co-creative. On the other hand, threats for innovation in future is perceived to be financing, lack of applications of policies and fear of change etc. Details are given and discussed within the research. The study sheds a light on future innovation perceptions of professionals from different countries and backgrounds.


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