Improving Students` Critical Thinking Through E-Book on Project-Based Learning in Vocational High School

This study aims to describe the use of e-book based on project based learning in improving students' critical thinking in inventory materials in VHS. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study with a case study method. The sample of this research used 30 students in SMK Batik 1 Surakarta. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling technique, while the data collection technique used is essay test. The essay question is made in accordance with the indicators of critical thinking, namely analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The results showed that before using e-book based on project based learning only 8.3% of students were able to analyze, 50% evaluate, and 40% created. However, after using the e-book, students who were able to analyze increased to 55%, evaluated 93.3%, and created 76.7%. any as 10% have enough critical thinking. So, the use of e-book based on Project Based Learning can increase students' critical thinking.


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