Text Book As a Java Culture Recognıtıon Medıa in Indonesıan Learnıng For Foreıgn Speaker (BIPA) in Sebelas Maret University

The development of Indonesian language is increasingly evident. Indonesian language increasingly exists not only in Indonesia, but also abroad. One effective government program to advance Indonesian is through the BIPA program. This program is not only intended to introduce Indonesian, but also to introduce Indonesian culture. One of the media that is used in BIPA learning to introduce the Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture, is the use of textbooks. This textbook is used as an intermediary on aspects of Javanese culture that are not possible to be shown directly to foreign students as BIPA learning subjects. The Javanese cultures presented by textbooks in BIPA learning include 1) traditional transportation, 2) traditional food and drinks, 3) traditional arts, 4) traditional clothes, and 5) ancient temples in Java. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data source in this research was the written data source, which is in the form of data contained in textbooks used in BIPA learning


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