Quadrilateral Learning Based on Brain Potencies of 7th Grade in Karanganyar Regency, Indonesia

The aim of the current study is to compare two learning models in quadrilaterallearning. The models are Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) and Brain-Based Learning (BBL). This research is quasi-experimental research with a 2x3 factorial design. The population of this research was the 7th grade of junior high school in Karanganyar Regency with 181 students as the sample, 91 students taught with WBT and 90 students taught with BBL. Data analysis using a two-way ANOVA test with different cells. In this researchindicating that learning models and the students' learning stylehave a significant impact onthequadrilateral learning achievement.The result showed that Fa(9.79)> Ftable (3.89) it means (1) the students who were taught by WBT model had better achievement with student who was taught by BBL model, (2) Fb(25.05)>Ftable(3.05) it means auditory learners have better achievement than visual and kinesthetic , visual learners have achievement than kinesthetic learners, and (3) Fab (0.0197) < Ftable (3.05) it means there is no interaction between the learning model and learning style


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