One of the most important decisions affecting the establishment process for a company is production capacity. Basic information such as the size of the enterprise, the establishment area, the qualifications of the machines, the number of the auxiliary facilities, the connections between the worker cells, the flexibility and the automation structure, the supply need, stock, energy and personnel need to be clarified in the process of establishment decision. However, such policies cannot be careful enough capacity in the process of organization in fast-growing countries such as Turkey after the new machines are also added as needed to the production line and the line re-balance is composed in a different way. From this point of view, furniture enterprises have a characteristic feature. Flexibility and automation in the furniture factories are two important critical concepts and directly affect production capacity in practice.. This study examined the capacity calculation in Turkey approaches and methods applied in the furniture industry, the process on the basis of existing practices, resources and capacity from the level of injury were analyzed. For this purpose, 55 furniture enterprises operating in Istanbul and the existing capacity reports are discussed. The machinery and installation structures, closed areas, number and quality of employees, product structures, installed power and production and consumption capacities of the companies were investigated and it was investigated whether there is a significant relation between these parameters. As a result of the research, it can be seen that there is not enough meaningful relations between the enterprises in terms of field use, installed power and production capacities. In the Turkish furniture companies, process efficiency are 61% for sizing process, % 64 for edge banding process and % 64 for sheathing process.


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