Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Entrepreneurship Approach in Turkey: Ankara Case

Purpose – The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the personality traits of digital entrepreneurs participating in the survey, their level of use of information technologies and their innovation skills. Digital entrepreneurship activities play an important role in bringing new products and services developed by businesses to large audiences. In this context, it is assumed that as the digital entrepreneurship usage levels of the enterprises increase, the profitability rates and innovation levels of the enterprises increase. Design/methodology/approach – The universe of the study is digital entrepreneurs operating in Ankara. The sample of the study is 146 digital entrepreneurs operating in Ankara in different sectors such as construction, real estate, accommodation and food service, culture-art and entertainment, manufacturing, information and communication, finance and insurance. The data of the study were collected by using personality traits and innovation skills scales in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs' innovation skills and entrepreneurship perceptions were analyzed with a comparative approach based on demographic variables, digital technologies usage levels, innovation skills. Findings – As a result of the parametric analyzes, the personal characteristics of digital entrepreneurs affect their innovation abilities, there is a relationship between the information technology usage levels of the entrepreneurs and their innovation capabilities, there is a relationship between the personal characteristics of the entrepreneurs and the information technology usage levels, and there is also a relationship between the personal characteristics and innovation capabilities of the entrepreneurs, has been determined. Discussion – Entrepreneurs who can identify digital technologies with their businesses have been thought to be more successful in developing new products and services, reach large audiences, and have higher profitability rates than traditional entrepreneurs, thereby creating more jobs and contributing to the economy.


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