Bu çaly?mada, FRN3111 Bilgisayar Destekli Dil Ö?retimi I dersini alan ö?retmen adaylarynyn Web üzerinden sunulan dil ö?renim sitelerine yönelik çözümlemelerinin de?erlendirilmesi amaçlanmy?tyr. Çaly?maya Uluda? Üniversitesi E?itim Fakültesi Fransyz Dili E?itimi Anabilim Daly 3.synyfynda ö?renim gören 30 ö?retmen adayy katylmy?tyr. Adaylar dil ö?renim sitelerinin çözümlemelerini Kartal (2004) tarafyndan alanyazynda kullanylan ölçütlerden hareketle geli?tirilen de?erlendirme formuna göre gerçekle?tirmi?tir. Bulgular, sitelerde i?lenen dokümanlaryn syklykla görüntü-ses-metin ve resim-ses-metin üçlüsü olmak üzere iki türde oldu?unu; sitelerin büyük bir kysmynyn dernek veya özel kurulu?lar tarafyndan tasarlandy?yny ve syk syk güncellendi?ini; önemli bir bölümünün ö?renenin sözcüksel, dilbilgisel, sesletimsel ve kültürel yönden geli?imini amaçlady?yny; biri dy?ynda sitelerin tamamynyn sözlü anlama, yazyly anlama ve yazyly anlatym gibi ö?renenin dilsel becerilerini geli?tirmeye yönelik oldu?unu ortaya koymaktadyr. Di?er yandan söz konusu sitelerin sesletim bakymyndan yeterli olmamalary, büyük ço?unlukla arama motoru veya site haritasy içermemeleri, içerenlerin ise i?levsel olmamasy, bu sitelerin synyrlylyklary olarak belirtilmi?tir.


The aim of this present study is to report an evaluation of the websites used in the learning of foreign languages by prospective teachers taking FRN3111 Computer Assisted Language Learning I course. The participants were 30 teacher trainees attending the third class in the French Language Teaching Department in the Faculty of Education at Uludag University. The analyses of language teaching/learning web sites were carried out by the participants using the scales prepared by Kartal (2004). The findings revealed that approximately half of the sites contained images, sound files, texts and visuals which were in conjunction with one another; most of which belonged to associations or private institutions and were updated; a considerable part of which aimed at improving learners' vocabulary, grammar, listening, and cultural awareness; and that all sites except one were designed to develop the oral and written comprehension, and writing skills of learners. On the other hand, it was observed that these sites were insufficient in the number of listening materials, and did not contain a search engine, or did not provide a map of the site. It was also criticized that most of these were not functional, which were stated as the limitations of the web sites.