Proteins in honey

Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde toplanılan bal örneklerindeki proteinler sodyum dodesil sülfat poliakrilamid jel elektroforez (SDS-PAGE) metodu ile belirlendi. Bal örneklerinde molekül ağırlığı yaklaşık 22.000 - 75.000 arasında olan 12 farklı protein bandı görüldü. Ayrıca bu bal örneklerin hidrokslmetilfurfural, diastaz sayısı, invert şeker, sakaroz, prolin, nem, kül, serbest asit, pH ve lakton değerleri de tayin edildi.

Bal proteinleri

The proteins of honey from South-Eastern Anatolia were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamld gel electropheresis (SDS-PAGE). It was found 12 protein bands in various honey samples. The molecular weights of these proteins were determined approximately between 22,000 and 75,000. Also, determined in the honey samples were hydroxymethylfurfural, diastase number, invert sugar, sucrose, proline, moisture, free acid, pH, lactone and ash.


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