John Rawls'un Siyasal Liberalizminde Çoğulculuk ve İstikrar

The Pluralism and Stability in John Rawls' Political Liberalism

It can be said that the distinguishing aspect of the contemporary societies is its great diversity and cultural pluralism. In the past this diversity was ignored or surpassed with normal citizen models by the dominant culture. Every person that diverged from this normalcy model was subjected to excluded, marginalized, appeased or assimilated. In the wake of totalitarian mentality, a fair society apprehension in which equal and free citizens live together in favour of stability was also ignored. Today, it is inconceivable to disregard in the name of maintaining the stability of diversity and cultural multiplicity in liberal democracies that is predicated on the improvement of individual freedom and an individualist society. However, by diversity, discrepancy, and cultural multiplicity without using the stability for their sake, the possibility of maintaining a balanced, fair society is a problem that the political philosophers still discuss. In this essay, one of the political philosophers, moving from John Rawls' Political liberalism, the pluralism and stability questions will be explicated.


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