Author Meets Critics: Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran by Nazanin Shahrokni (2019, University of California Press)

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Author Meets Critics: Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran by Nazanin Shahrokni (2019, University of California Press)

I must say that I am very pleased to be a part of this author meets critics session and discuss on Nazanin Shahrokni’s book called Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran came out from University of California Press in 2019. I have met both with the very first pieces of this seminal work and Nazanin in 2010 at a time when we were in Gothenburg at the Seventeenth ISA World Congress of Sociology. There in a very interesting panela Nazanin and my then PhD student, now Dr. Selda Tuncer presented highly original papers on the topic of what I can call in short “space, place and gender”, a topic which was only getting popular at that time since a decade ago or so.