Research on students' quality of life and risky living conditions

Problem Durumu: Türkiye’de okullarda yaşanılan şiddet olaylarını önlemek ve gerekli önlemleri almak için alan araştırmaları yapılmalıdır Ergenlerin yaşam kalitesi, ruh sağlığından, kişisel özelliklerden, yaşanılan ortamdan, olaylardan ve yaşanılan toplumun kültürel özelliklerinden etkilenir. Ergenlik döneminin özellikleri ve riskli yaşam koşulları ergenlerin yaşam kalitesini etkiler Araştırmanın Amacı: Olumsuz yaşam olaylarının yoğun olarak yaşandığı okullardaki öğrencilerin yaşam kalitelerini incelemek, sağlıksız ve yetersiz yaşam alanlarını saptamak, bu alanlara ilişkin riskli yaşam koşullarını kız ve erkek öğrenciler açısından değerlendirmek, koruyucu ve önleyici çalışmalara yardımcı olmaktır.

Öğrencilerin yaşam kalitesi ve riskli yaşam koşulları araştırması

Problem Statement: In order to prevent acts of violence seen in our schools in Turkey, scientific and executive circles must approach the subject with respect to quality of life as a whole and must consider protective and preventive solutions. The quality of life of the youth is affected by the personal characteristics of the individual, the environment lived in, the events and the cultural characteristics of the society. Characteristics of adolescence and risky living conditions affect the quality of life of the youth. It is necessary to evaluate the students in their environment and to upgrade their quality of life with a learner-focused approach so that they can become qualified individuals in all respects. Purpose of Study: To examine students' quality of life in schools where unfavorable events are faced intensively, to evaluate students' risky living conditions and to assist in protective and preventive studies. Methods: A total of 243 students, of whom 135 (55.6%) were from primary schools, 108 (44.4%) from secondary schools, 122 (50.2%) girls and 121 (49.8%) boys from the 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th grade classes of primary and secondary schools situated in the risk map of Keçioren-Ankara constitute the sample of the research. A 100-question questionnaire of the World Health Organization Quality of Life 1998 Turkey Version was used to examine students' quality of life. Findings and Results: It was found that the conditions of the quality of girls' and boys' lives at risky schools were not equal, that levels of quality of life were physically and psychologically unhealthy, and that there was room for improvement in domains of independence, in social and environmental domains. It was observed that although students’ perspectives to life have strong sides due to social pressure which students face dependent living conditions has been developed. Conclusions and Recommendations: Students should be well-informed on adolescence, and be given psychological support and more opportunities; and economic support and the opportunity to live in a safe environment should be given to families of poor students; philosophy of life and ethical values should be taught to the students. Efforts should be made to free the students from social pressure and give them the opportunity of a living practice based on democratic values.
