Despite the fact that women have gained power within societies in every area of life and have thus transcended their previously traditional places, they still tend to encounter problems in their management duties. These problems naturally impact a woman’s business life, reducing their work motivation.  Some of the problems that women encounter while performing their management duties in public organizations need to be resolved. This article aims to bring solutions to these problems and thus contribute to the literature. It is also believed that resolving women’s problems will improve their standing, both in public and private sector management offices, therefore contributing to the national economy. This research was grounded upon this justification. The purpose of this research is to determine the problems that women encounter in the course of performing their management duties in Turkish public organizations. Data for the research was acquired in 35 interviews with female managers working in public management offices. A semi-structured interview form was prepared for this purpose. Since the research is of qualitative nature, interview questions were established as open-ended questions. The data was obtained using the qualitative “content analysis” method. The data were evaluated using the NVIVO 11 package software. 68 statements were obtained as a result of the interviews. According to the findings of the study, the problems faced by women in management were identified with 68 statements. The findings of the study were grouped under three components. At the conclusion of the research, problems that female managers faced in public organizations were specified. The problems were grouped in three categories, namely psychological, socio-cultural and environmental factors. 


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