This study deals with a commentary written by Imam en-Neccar Tahir b. Ahmad al-Kazvinion Hakim al-Tirmidhi's work named en-Nahvfiilmal-badv. Hakim al-Tirmidhi, in this work, mentioned his thoughts about therise of nahv (Arabicsyntax) andemergency of i'rab (a system of special statesandsigns of Arabic words), he gained these thoughts by inspiration and under his sufi character, that not clearly stated by him. Among these ideas, there are some interesting ones, such as that endingvowel firstly appeared in verbs, then transferred from verb to subject and object; the subject has "dammah" that impliescloseness, and the object has "fathah" for its openness, so it demonstrates the movement of verb on itself, and "tanwin" is a basis for names. These ideas had never been mentioned until his time. However, these very ambigiousthoughts, if not were foundandcommented by Imam al-Naccar, who is also an Arabic language specialist before they had been lost, today it would be very hard or evenim possible to find them.I have published an article in Turkish dealing with the same topic. But, in that article, taking the page limit into consideration, I could not attach the text of Şerhu'n-Nahvfi ilmal-Badv with critical edition and some details about the life and some works of the commentator Imam al-Naccar, soleft them to a second study.The purpose of writing this Arabicarticle is that. The first half of this study is almost a translation of the first article, differs from it, with covering poems written about the works of commentator and a fulllist of his Works. These cond half of the study is the text of this work depending on a uniquemanuscript, enclosed with an index of names, verses and traditions and some explanatory notes. In this sense, this study is not the same of the first study, but a complementary one.There is also a correction of a mistake about the name of this risalah.


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