Continuous cost reduction, productivity and quality improvement have proved essential for organizations tos tay in operation. Managers cannot avoid seeing how quality has developed into the most important competitive weeapon. Many organizations have realized that TQM is the way of managing fort he future TQM is far wider in its application than assuring product or service quality-it i a way of managing business processes to ensure complete customer satisfaction at every stage, internally and externally. Thus, Total Quality Culture has recently emerged as a popular concept among researchers in the field of management. This article is about how to built a total quality culture organizations. In this article discusses the concepts of quality and total quality, quality culture and major elements of a total quality culture.


Continuous cost reduction, productivity and quality improvement have proved essential for organizations tos tay in operation. Managers cannot avoid seeing how quality has developed into the most important competitive weeapon. Many organizations have realized that TQM is the way of managing fort he future TQM is far wider in its application than assuring product or service quality-it i a way of managing business processes to ensure complete customer satisfaction at every stage, internally and externally. Thus, Total Quality Culture has recently emerged as a popular concept among researchers in the field of management. This article is about how to built a total quality culture organizations. In this article discusses the concepts of quality and total quality, quality culture and major elements of a total quality culture.