Öz The purpose of this study is to find out the strategies that EFL instructors apply to cope with undesirable behaviors of language learners at the tertiary level. The study was conducted with 20 EFL instructors working in the preparatory school at a university in 2017-2018 academic years. The data was gathered through a survey including 10 open-ended questions. Content analysis technique was used to assess the data. The results of the study reveal that EFL instructors apply 12 coping strategies towards the undesirable behaviors of language learners at tertiary level. The instructors use body language, verbal and facial expressions to warn their students. In addition, keeping silent, asking a question, finding out the reason of the undesirable behavior and the needs of the disruptive students, raising awareness, increasing motivation, talking in person, attracting attention, and ignoring the undesirable behavior are the other coping strategies.


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