Relations among proposed predictors and outcomes of social self-efficacy in Turkish late adolescents

Relations among proposed predictors and outcomes of social self-efficacy in Turkish late adolescents

The goal of this study was to examine both the direct and indirect relations among late adolescents' social self-efficacy and their perceived parents' attitudes, attachment to parents and peers, problem-solving skills and learned resourcefulness. Two hundred and fifty five volunteer students (average age=18.5) were the participants. The Social Self-Efficacy Inventory, the Inventory of Peer Attachment and Parent Attachment, the Parents' Attitudes Inventory, the Problem-Solving Skills Inventory and the Learned Resourcefulness Inventory were administered in order to collect data. Structural equation modelling revealed that parental attachment had direct effects on social self-efficacy. In addition, authoritative parenting had indirect effects on social self-efficacy through peer attachment. The links between social self-efficacy and problem-solving skills and, between problem-solving skills and learned resourcefulness were also observed. Different model to be tested and the results showed links between parental attachment and problem-solving skills and, between social self-efficacy and learned resourcefulness.


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