Development of the Parentified Child Scale-Adult Version: A Reliability and Validity Study

Development of the Parentified Child Scale-Adult Version: A Reliability and Validity Study

This study aims to develop a scalethat can measure parentification levels for adults in a valid and reliable way. A total of 705 people (510 females, 195 males) participated in the study. The Filial Responsibility Scale-Adult Version developed by Jurkovic, Thirkield and Morel (2001), adopted to Turkish by Karagöbek (2014) was used for Convergent and Discrimant Validity. It was found that the Parentified Child Scale Adult Version (PCS-A) scale consists of two sub-scales and the first sub-scale has four factors and the second sub-scale has one factor through explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of PCS-A is found as .88. The item total correlation coefficients were between .37 and .71. Confirmatory factor analysis of the first sub-scale of the scale shows that 22 items had four factors and the chi-square fit (2=506.42,df=203,p=.00)wassignificant.The 2/dfresultformodelfitwas determined to be 2.49. In addition, RMSEA = .073, CFI = .95, NFI = .92, NNFI = .94, IFI = .95, RFI.91 and GFI = .86 were calculated. The test-retest correlation coefficient was found to be .91. The relationship between the PCS-A and the FRS was analysed as .81. The results suggest that Parentified Child Scale-Adult Version is a valid and reliable instrument.


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