
Tanıtım-Değerlendirme, Kitap incelemeleri, Bilgi Sistemleri, Bilgi Yönetimi, Bilişim Yönetimi, Belge Yönetimi

Creating Archive Culture

Archive business and operations are a matter foreseen by the legislation. Archive culture should be developed from individual to societal level in order to carry out archival works which are inseparable process of management structure which is wrong or incomplete so far, and this cultural structure should be placed in minds and behaviors in individual, institutional and social fields. At the same time, archivists must also be professionalized. I have seen that an archive culture has not been developed by both employees and executives in the public institutions that I have been working for over thirty years. In this context, I have taken notes on how to develop an archive culture during my working life. This article is based on my notes and experiences.

Archive, Culture,


  • III. Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Öğrenci Kongresi: Bildiriler / Ed. Demet Işık, İhsan Özkol, Neslihan Er-Koçoğlu, Pelin Karcı Kandemir. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü, 2018.