Kazein Yüzeyine Reaktif Blue 220'nin Sorpsiyonu

Bu çalışmada, sulu çözeltilerden kazein yüzeyine Reaktif Blue 220 boyar maddesinin adsorpsiyonu için zaman, pH, iyon şiddeti ve sıcaklık gibi parametrelerin etkisi incelendi. Deneysel sonuçlara göre; kazein yüzeyine adsorbe olan boyar madde miktarlarının, artan iyon şiddeti (0,1-0,01) ve artan pH (2,2-3,8) ile azaldığı fakat artan sıcaklık (18-45°C) ile arttığı bulundu. Deneysel çalışmalar sonucu; adsorpsiyon denge süresinin yaklaşık olarak 3 saat, adsorpsiyon işleminin endotermik ve ikinci dereceden kinetik modele uygun olduğu belirlendi

Sorption of Reactive Blue 220 Onto Casein Surface

In this study, the adsorption of Reactive Blue 220 onto casein surface from aqueous solutions was investigated the effects of various parameters, such as time, pH, ionic strength and temparature. According to experimental results; it was found that the adsorbed amount of the Reactive Blue 220 on casein decreased with increasing ionic strength (0,1-0,01 M NaCl) and pH(2,2-3,8) but increased with increasing temparature (18-45°C). The experimentals results indicated that balance time of the adsorption was found 3 hours for, Reactive Blue 220 the adsorption process was endothermic and the best kinetic model was achieved by a second order equation