The Grammar Inclusion; Types, Purposes and Rules

The Grammar Inclusion; Types, Purposes and Rules

Inclusion in Arabic is a term that is found in many sciences، such as; eloquence، prosody، theology، and grammar which ،in its general meaning، indicates the mergence of something in another thing and uniting them. In this research، we are focusing on grammatical inclusion in particular. By looking deeply into the gramatical inclusion and its dimensions، It appears to us that itis an intellectual as well as an artistic phenomenon; It is the result of the speaker’s thought in a condensed use of words to express many meanings; in the sense of creating words with one significance and with two significances، and this creativity was unveiled in the Holy Quran in numerous places. Moreover، it is also seen in the Arabic poetry too. And here، we try to explore the sources of the creativity secrets of the grammatical inclusion by showing its types، purposes and rules.


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