Kültürleşme Stratejileri Bağlamında Gaziantep’teki Suriyeliler Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Türkiye Suriye ile en uzun kara sınırına sahip olması sebebi ile yaşanan iç savaştan en fazla etkilenen ülkelerden biridir. Sınır illeri ise en fazla Suriyeli sığınmacı ağırlayan ve en çok etkilenen yerlerin başında gelmektedir. Savaşın ilk yıllarında misafirlik ve geçicilik üzerine yapılan ihtiyaç odaklı yaklaşımdan sürecin uzamasıyla birlikte yaşam ve uyum yaklaşımının sergilendiği gözlenmektedir. Gaziantep savaşın başladığı ilk günlerden bu yana göçün etkisini yakından hisseden illerden biridir. Sanayi ve ticaret merkezi olması nedeniyle yoğun göç alan şehir, Suriye iç savaşı sonrasında da göçe maruz kalmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türk halkının Suriyelileri kabul, uyum, insani tutum, hak temelli yaklaşım ve yabancı düşmanlığına dair tutum düzeyleri kültürleşme yaklaşımları açısından Gaziantep örneğinde ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma kültürleşme stratejilerine ev sahibi toplumun tutumunu merkeze alarak yaklaşması bakımından önemlidir. Makalede nicel araştırma yöntemi ve anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmamızda kullanmak için yapılan çalışmalardan yararlanarak soru havuzu oluşturulmuştur. Anketimiz demografik değişkenler, kabul, uyum, hak temelli yaklaşım, insani tutum ve yabancı düşmanlığına dair önerme setinden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma 2018 Ekim- 2019 Mart ayları arasında, Gaziantep’in 116 farklı mahallesinde 1284 kişi ile tesadüfi örneklem yoluyla yaptığımız anket çalışmasına dayanmaktadır. Elde edilen veri seti SPSS programı ile analiz edilerek kültürleşme stratejilerine dair çıkarsamada bulunulmuştur.

A Study of Syrians in Gaziantep in the Context of Acculturation Strategies

Turkey is one of the countries most affected by the civil war since it has the longest land border with Syria. Border provinces, on the other hand, are among the places that host the most Syrians and are most affected. More than 3.5 million people have sought refuge in Turkey due to the civil war that started in Syria in 2011. Gaziantep is one of the provinces that has felt the impact of migration closely since the first days of the war. The city, which received heavy immigration due to being an industrial and commercial center, was exposed to immigration after the Syrian civil war. Migrations spatially bring together people of different races, languages, religions, and cultures. There is a new socialization process for both immigrants and the host society. The subject of this article is to examine and explain the attitudes of Syrians under temporary protection who took refuge in Turkey, acceptance in Turkish society, and adaptation to Turkish society with Syrians, in terms of acculturation strategies. This study is important in terms of centering the attitude of the host society to acculturation and guiding its results. In this article, quantitative research method questionnaire technique was used. In our research, a question inventory was created by making use of the studies on Syrian immigrants. Our survey consists of two parts. The first part includes demographic variables. The second part consists of propositions on acceptance, harmony, rights-based approach, humanitarian attitude and xenophobia. This section consists of 27 five-point Likert-type items. A questionnaire was applied to 1284 people over the age of 18 living in Gaziantep through random sampling. The obtained data set was analyzed with the SPSS program and inferences were made about the acculturation strategies that could be developed. Integration, acceptance, humane attitude and rights-based approach have a medium level of perception. The level of perception of xenophobia is low. These results will be effective in shaping the acculturation approaches of immigrants. This situation indicates whether acculturation strategies can develop in the direction of integration or discrimination. There are signs of integration and discrimination. Signs of integration seem stronger than signs of discrimination. Integration is a multi-layered and multi-faceted process with legal, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. Integration is one-way and immigrants are not expected to participate. On the contrary, the host society has a significant impact on this process. When we try to make predictions regarding the acculturation process by focusing on the host society. we get the following findings. Acceptance, a rights-based approach, and humanistic mindset are all hallmarks of integration. Although there is compatibility. It is seen that there is a discriminatory and exclusionary attitude, albeit partially. We can say that while the existence of Syrians is considered reasonable on the grounds of war, establishing closeness is avoided. acceptance level is above average. This may contribute to the development of integration. It is important for both groups to carry out studies based on the reduction of racism, discrimination and prejudices and the acceptance of differences. The right to asylum, which is a human right, should not be ignored with security-oriented approaches. Considering that the acculturation process is reciprocal and the attitudes of the indigenous people can significantly affect this process, ways of living together should be developed.


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